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I finally did it.. replaced the default Ernie Ball rounds with these gorgeous fuckers: black beauties! (she looks amazing in person). This is my second time jammin' these strings - no idea why I waited so long to change them out.

I play finger-style almost exclusively (I dislike the sound from picks), and I am currently learning slap. Nothing finer than these strings though.

Fugazi is righteous, and I have pushed some Raining Blood over 'em too. Just fantastic strings.

I finally did it.. replaced the default Ernie Ball rounds with these gorgeous fuckers: black beauties! (she looks amazing in person). This is my second time jammin' these strings - no idea why I waited so long to change them out. I play finger-style almost exclusively (I dislike the sound from picks), and I am currently learning slap. Nothing finer than these strings though. Fugazi is righteous, and I have pushed some Raining Blood over 'em too. Just fantastic strings.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

yeah, i'm not well versed enough to know just yet. The bass behind is a fender with passives, and it rocks don't get me wrong but I love what I got now - so damned smooth; only issue with the actives is exactly that. I am not certain yet what I'm looking for in the next, leaning acoustic fretless (my goal is standup for psychobilly type jams).

so many possibilities and picking up bass has turned into quite the obsession (I started last August)

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Oh so you’re a relative newbie. Welcome and have fun.

Just remember one thing when it comes to gear. Fuck reputation and what people say about gear. Listen to your ears.

Just because Joe Blow in band X uses Y doesn’t necessarily mean shit.

I worked in a recording studio many years ago. Went to school for audio and shit. Still dabble from time to time. Just because a microphone costs $8k doesn’t make it better than a $100 mic in all or necessarily even any particular set of circumstances. Same with all other gear. And combinations of gear matters. Those pickups might be great on a particular bass and then sound like dogshit on another. Same with combinations of mics with preamps, EQs, compressors. Same with guitar and bass amps, guitars and basses, pickups. Even the fucking pick that the guitar player is using matters to at least some extent.

Took me literal years to understand/accept that concept. I used to fight it, in fact. I’d be recording someone’s vocal using some top tier Neumann. And every once in a while, you swap it out with something “lower tier” just to see. And I’ll be damned, but sometimes the “lower tier” mic sounded better with that person’s particular voice. But see, the confirmation bias would kick in and I’d think “no, that can’t be”, even though “it be”, haha.

Same thing happened with my EMG’s. I thought “but Zakk Wylde uses them so no, it can’t be.” But on my guitar, for whatever reason, it be. The Seymour’s were just better on my setup. Like, it wasn’t even a contest. I had to get over the “high” of a much anticipated new purchase and listen to my ears.

Bottom line: use your ears and fuck literally everything else.

[–] 3 pts

Great advice, thank you. One thing I learned quick was to not compare to the folks on jootube that have practices 8 hours a day for 10 years. Once I got passed that ego I was and still am having a blast jammin. I can't recall not playing now if that makes sense.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Yeah the skill comes just from playing and practicing. And dirty little secret, a lot of people are really good technically, but can’t “hear” for shit. Two different gifts/skill sets, and they aren’t necessarily guaranteed to come as a package deal.

Ie, lots of great players with shit tone (because they don’t use their ears and/or they’re “married” to certain gear because of the confirmation bias I previously noted).

And conversely, lots of lesser technical players but they can hear.

Theoretically, it’s best to be both.

On the other hand, I do think there are some fairly steady truths. Like, I just think tube amps sound better than solid state. Period. Some of those hybrid amps are really great though, too.