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(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Great comments section

like this one "Privilege is wearing $300 sneakers while living on public assistance. Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan which you receive no bill for. Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility bill and where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table. Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working people who can't afford health insurance for their families. Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting your race that's subsidized by federal tax dollars. Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only your race. Privilege is having a television network that supports only your race. Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or school you don’t pay for. The Ability to Break Every Law in the Country And Still Remain the Victim. Still waiting for this "privilege" I'm supposed to have..."

[–] 3 pts

Because goy. Besides do you know how many jews were killed in WWII?also the billions of Africans imported into the US{by jews but that’s beside the point}. You have no idea how much we have suffered. It’s never about white people, it’s about the poor jews

[–] 0 pt

OMG I listened to a catholic radio podcast this morning and man, the zionist groveling was nauseating.

[–] 2 pts

Fucking everyone complaining about how stupid the Pro-Palestine protesters are, which they are, instead of mentioning how blatantly evil the Jews are in their genocidal extermination campaign.

Did all these conservative pundits get the same Mossad memo at the same time?

[–] 1 pt

But muh jewdayo chrischin ethic...

[–] 1 pt

jewmerica is racist against anyone who isn't jewish