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[Nitter Tweet](https://nitter.net/TuckerCarlson/status/1708986264588791862) [Source Tweet](https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1708986264588791862)

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Of all obviously False charges filed against Trump, WHY is there NO Crime/law that punishes the filing of a KNOWN False/lie charge? This includes Every liberal/communist Lie from Two Failed impeachments, an absurd 'Mueller investigation', The criminal Jan 6th committee, the Russia HOAX and the Results were .....ZERO Crimes by Trump.

[–] 1 pt

i've had the same question since the day after the Mueller Report findings. I don't know if there's nothing that can be done or if the will of the republicans is just soooo fuckkiinngg lame that they can't even muster a defense of the president who is a member of their party?

i'm so lost as to how they can impeach a man for what hillary did, yet she's not investigated whatsoever for some reason. then they impeach Trump for what Biden did, and now there's sort of an investigation going there but wtf, they had 0 evidence yet moved on Trump twice and no consequences?? If I file a police report accusing a victim of my crime and then its found out in court would nothing happen to me? hell no.

[–] 1 pt

It is a crime. Most of these lawyers and judges are supposed to be disbarred, arrested, and tried.

[–] 1 pt

VDH references fraud via mail in ballots, but his solution is to keep voting.