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[–] 0 pt

"the pig making the exact same manuevers". You seem to forget that police are given exemptions to drive like that right ? Society arms them and gives them the vehicles TO drive this way.

No, not all the time, but how the fuck are you supposed to know if he's on his way to a call or not.

The fucking fact is, this shithead was doing 90 and FOLLOWING the cop for a while...both are illegal. Fuckheads like this ruin the names of ALL riders, not just his. Fuck this piece of shit. I'm only sad he didn't suffer some actual injuries.

[–] 1 pt

Pigs aren't above the law. Pigs drive like assholes. I've done numerous ride alongs. They all have a god complex and they all are hypocrites, even the "good ones" they all "speed" (what is speeding anyways? Its an arbitrary limit imposed to collect extra revenue).

The manuevers made in the video are not unsafe, the pig was actually more unsafe given his late lane changes to get around the slow moving cars. The pig saw the slow car knew he was going to go around it and yet waited until he was closer to it to go around.

If he was running lights, as you assumed, traffic would have parted like the red sea.

I've done ride alongs with cops who do 120mph down the highway because they and I quote "like driving fast."

Quit sucking pig dick faggot.

[–] 0 pt

Who said they're above the law (must face consequences for their actions while OFF duty). They are granted exemptions to some laws while on duty (such as speeding to a call or in pursuit). You have zero fucking concept about how laws work, but you're an angry ignorant cunt. So there's that.

The maneuvers made in the video are unsafe, for the fucking biker who has zero training , zero exemptions/position to do so. Learn that first, dipshit.

"you assumed" , that's all you've done. I've been on ride-a-longs as well.. 80% of drivers are aware/alter and know what to do when they see a car with lights coming at them. The other 20% deliberately don't do anything, either out of fear, stupidity, or your kind of arrogance. Period.

I don't suck any dick, but I can tell you've broken your neck (at least once) from trying to do it to yourself.

You're 100% meaningless and society would be better off without you. Give that some serious thought.

[–] 0 pt

Anything you have to say is automatically rendered meaningless by your well deserved hand rubbing kike next to your name.

Maybe you should create another sock puppet and try again moshi. Hows the weather in tel aviv today?

I can't stand this insufferable boot licking faggot attitude. Go watch some more hollyjew cop worship television.

[–] 0 pt

Again, I have a t.v. ONE in my house that gets used about 3 hours a week. You act like a nigger, you'll get called out on acting like a nigger.

Faggots, shitskin, and fucktards like you who want to ACT like niggers don't belong in my society. Deport yourself, kill yourself, or fall off the face of the fucking earth. Pick one. No one would care which.

It's all so tiring. Now I see why you have that shlomo icon next to your name. Carry on kike.