Gonna steelman this. What exactly are the charges? Can someone link the indictments? They should be public record. It's not impossible, for instance, that these "cop watchers" are in the pay of cartels in order to monitor police activity. The indictments ought to give these details and I'd be interested in seeing them. If not they should give some other theory under why these individuals are being RICO'd, one that ought to be exposed and quashed.
Edit: So, one of the people arrested was accused of calling 911 on himself in order to record the police response. Which would be enormously stupid and suspect, but there are lots of stupid people out there and I can imagine this happening, and the police can examine phone records and see if this was a swatting or not. I haven't heard anything else about "organized crime charges".
This video is two weeks old. If there were any truth to this I'd expect it to be blowing up bigger and for the ACLU to be involved. I suspect this is simply being drummed up for exposure and clicks.
(post is archived)