I've of late been looking closely into the negro mentality and the role of genetics vs. nurture has to play in the high incidence of criminal behavior in the negro race.
First off, I must mention that it should be accepted as common knowledge that not all blacks are prone to mindless criminal behavior just as not all whites or Asians are fluffy white blameless angels.
I'm simply pointing out major trends in demographics.
Why is it most blacks are uninterested in reading books and generally not creative? Notice that during the massive riots in South Africa the rioters quickly forgot the reason for their protest and pivoted to loot and burning of businesses in spite of the fact that these businesses served their communities and most likely many will not reopen or reinvest considering the high cost of insurance. Of interest is the fact that no bookstores were looted.
This is the best demonstration that blacks are deficient in abstract thinking. To read proficiently you need abstract thinking. To plan for the future, looking ahead to imagine possible outcomes of your actions you engage in today you need abstract thinking. To be creative , building something new in art, music or technology, you must engage in abstract thinking.
Even to maintain anything past generations have left behind requires some abstract thinking. For general maintenance one must evaluate current conditions against past conditions, project forward mentally into the future if no corrective measures are taken vs. possible corrective measures and possible outcomes.
This is why black communities are generally run down and trashy. Drive through any black controlled community and you will see the same run down decrepit squalor.
They generally lack the mentality to create and maintain and by extension are unable to see the future outcome of their criminal behavior. The two traits are interconnected.
(post is archived)