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A 12-year-old boy can be given puberty blockers – which have irreversible effects and can lead to sterilisation – without the consent of his father, the Supreme Court of Victoria has ruled.

A 12-year-old boy can be given puberty blockers – which have irreversible effects and can lead to sterilisation – without the consent of his father, the Supreme Court of Victoria has ruled.
[–] 1 pt

Victoria is fucked. I'm surprised they didn't send the father to jail for refusing to affirm the child's delusions. The government is fucked (the bitch they installed after Dan Andrews (spit) ran away is literally a Socialist cunt) and the courts and police are their lackeys.

If my kid started to show any signs of this sort of lunacy (he shouldn't, because I spend a lot of money to send him to a Christian private school that has so far shown no signs of Marxist indoctrination, though I must remain vigilant) I would immediately leave the state.

A guy I went to school with had this happen to her daughter. He couldn't handle it and ended up killing himself. You're pretty much hamstrung in Victoria, if your kid goes mental, you're forced to go along with it, if you don't they'll take your kid away.

[–] 1 pt

It's a sad story all round. The boys 'father' hasn't been in the boys life since he was one and is a druggy. The mother and child are mentally ill. The doctors and officials are either willfully ignorant, on the take and/or also mentally ill. There's no winners in the story.

The only semblance of sense I could see in the article was the last paragraph...

Independent South Australian MP Frank Pangallo spoke out about the special clinic located at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in June, saying there should be a nationwide review of gender centres and the so-called treatments they use.

The story is a grim reflection of a sick society.