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[–] 24 pts

That's how you can tell your enemies from your friends. Your enemies don't give you a warning before they fuck shit up.

[–] 5 pts

I'd argue that giving a warning was a mistake, it would be much more impactful if people went hungry.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

There is a Turner Diaries quote that I can't find right now that basically says that at some point you have to start terrorizing the public by destroying infrastructure, supply lines, etc. If they are allowed creature comforts the system will never fall. It doesn't matter at some point who is destroying power stations and rail lines just that they have been destroyed. It forces the hands of the cowardly masses to make a choice. It's the right wing equivalent of "You can't be neutral on a moving train" from a late stage tactical/pragmatic perspective rather than an attempt to intellectually justify anarcho-commie terrorism against anyone who can hold down a job... but it's ultimately the same principal, "with us or against us".

Anyway that was one of the more interesting bits of that book, if you want to have a rebellion you can't be afraid to piss people off. You have to make them feel it some how. Make it clear that compliance with the tyrannical state won't protect and feed them forever, that they need to protect themselves.

I dunno man. The elites keep telling us straight up what they are planning decades before they do it. They publish it through think tanks and such. It's as if evil lives by a code and they have to tell us what they will do before they actually do it.

[–] 1 pt

Predictive programming. It's everywhere once you are aware of it.

For a relevant example, go and watch V for Vendetta (or at least the Rookwood speech (youtube.com)).

[–] 0 pt

Your enemies don't give you a warning before they fuck shit up.

Have you seen many movies?

[–] 1 pt

Life ain't a movie.

[–] 0 pt

You could argue life is the way it is because of movies

[–] 0 pt

Allegory is lost upon you.

[–] 15 pts (edited )

I’d love to see that. I hope it works. 2 weeks of no fuel deliveries would shut the entire US down.

[–] 6 pts

White people could bring the american government down in no time. If all Trump supporters just went on strike, one week in and you would see all the banks, car manufacturers, all the biggies start to cry wolf.

Now, if you watched the yellow vest response in France, these people mean business. Chances are they would try to starve us out, but I think if American power crumbled to the pressure the rest of the western governments would capitulate.

You cant starve a country that literally eats itself to death

[–] 0 pt

Run out of fried chicken in a 20% black community and you've suddenly got dozens of angry sheboons wrecking shit instead of just driving another 5 miles to the next fast food place. Don't underestimate the impact of fatties who haven't been able to eat anything other than the canned beans in the back of their cupboards for a couple weeks. They will have a flabby riot that puts the "feminist marches" to shame.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts (edited )

This. The elites biggest fear is the day we all realise this, who's going to manufacture anything let a lone food? You think the kikes or anyone with any significant wealth will get their hands dirty? The people could take down the elite in a couple of hours from striking alone (((no violence or kikery we don't have to play in to their games))) if we all collectively thought the same, it really is that simple and easy, hence all the panic from the MSM and the constant game being played to stop people seeing this

[–] 0 pt

It won't happen in Australia or usa. Talking about it makes people feel happy though

[–] 0 pt

It doesn't take tens of thousand truckers to stop delivering. It only takes a few thousand (possibly less) to block the roads.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

I send my best wishes to the truckers. Hope they can effectively shut down the roads and make a difference in the attitude of the "leaders".

[–] 6 pts

I hope they do it. In the US every year there's always some empty threat from drivers saying we should all shutdown. It never happens and there are too many mega carriers for it to be possible.

[–] 4 pts


This might actually work.

Of course they will try to bring in the military to drive the trucks but they won't have enough.

And will they arrest the truck drivers?

[–] 5 pts

I imagine the truckers will do a few things to make the process very time consuming.

Take the key, remove the airlines. Take out a few parts that are easy to remove but that the truck needs to turn over.

If the truckers do that then this turns into the military not only having to drive them, but also having mechanics with parts to try to move them.

With how difficult it would be to get parts due to the shutdown they would probably only be able to take the first 20 or so in a lineup before having to salvage parts from another truck.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

It CAN be done. Let's hope that it will be done.

I was a USA long haul truck driver for 16 years. No way to possibly get them all organized over here, but Australia may be different. I endorse their effort.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 3 pts

They should also get rid of the low IQ parasites kikes imported.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

That was attempted with the nigger loves protests. A few drivers goy charged.

e; For "running over" / "hitting" as the niggers were in the act of or attempting to loot the truck.

Not gonna happen they rely on the non English speaking street shitters and rich asians to fund the country

[–] 1 pt

Good idea if they actually do it

[–] 0 pt

Lying media have started reporting that the truck drivers are going to strike because they are unhappy about WAGES.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt

Make sure this message is translated to curry and mudslime otherwise they'll be the only ones driving trucks after this

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