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They can literally draw upon the experience of fully vaccinated nations like Singapore and Israel and Iceland and their scientific data sets showing they are not getting any reductions in hospitalisations and infection rates.

It's like they are in a rush to commit the same mistakes or are expecting a different result. There's no reason we'll achieve a different result.

They can literally draw upon the experience of fully vaccinated nations like Singapore and Israel and Iceland and their scientific data sets showing they are not getting any reductions in hospitalisations and infection rates. It's like they are in a rush to commit the same mistakes or are expecting a different result. There's no reason we'll achieve a different result.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

It's a disease that fat fucks, those with serious medical conditions, and the extreme of age who are extremely frail die of. The same thing would happen with those who got the flu - the exception is that many people are immune to certain flu variants as a result of having had them before - but because this is a new variant that nobody is immune to, more people are dying.

[–] 0 pt

Then why are people dying of the vaccine? Spoiler alert — the spike protein is an engineered bioweapon. They spliced it on to a “cold virus” (several beta coronavirus species are cold viruses). Too much of the spike protein and you die. No matter what.

Besides age and fat there are other risk factors like R1b haplogroup and being male. And there are lots of healthy people that had it and lived but have been basically disabled for months afterward.

And as I have said before, initial viral load at exposure. Why do you think antiseptic gargling and nose spray protocols are working so well? Because it reduces early viral load in the upper respiratory tract before it spreads systemically. The number of viruses you inhale on day one affects the number of virus you have at day 10.

The people who discovered some of the bat viruses this bug was made from died because they were in a cave inhaling huge amounts of bat virus. The inoculum size partially determines severity in almost every infectious disease there is. Including flu.

People in tropical areas are generally having less severe outcomes per case for the same reason. Fewer viruses survive in the open air in hot, humid, high UV environments. People in those places are inhaling lower amounts of viable virions.

I am tellling you that getting coronavirus or getting severe coronavirus is not a binary thing. Symptomatic presentation and severity are based on many factors— the inital quantity of inoculum being a big one.

If you don’t want to hear it fine. But this is epidemiology 101.

[–] 0 pt

Considering you use the word "epidemiology" to describe all this - tells me that you really don't know what you're talking about. The correct word you're looking for is "virology".

There is no evidence whatsoever to state that initial viral loads influence outcomes.

[–] 0 pt

Right. How much viral inoculum you receive as a predictor whether develop enough of a viral load to be symptomatic and infectious has nothing to do with epidemiology! Obviously. There’s just no intersection here. What was I thinking.

There is no evidence whatsoever to state that initial viral loads influence outcomes

There’s a ton. Apparently you are too much of a nigger to use a search engine. Not my problem.