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They can literally draw upon the experience of fully vaccinated nations like Singapore and Israel and Iceland and their scientific data sets showing they are not getting any reductions in hospitalisations and infection rates.

It's like they are in a rush to commit the same mistakes or are expecting a different result. There's no reason we'll achieve a different result.

They can literally draw upon the experience of fully vaccinated nations like Singapore and Israel and Iceland and their scientific data sets showing they are not getting any reductions in hospitalisations and infection rates. It's like they are in a rush to commit the same mistakes or are expecting a different result. There's no reason we'll achieve a different result.

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts

what dont you understand? covid is a lie. mRNA is not a vaccine. There is no pandemic. Fucking idiots

[–] 3 pts

Yep. I’m tired of relying on bullshit like this that assumes Covitz is real:

it has become clear that vaccinated people can easily contract it as well as spread it to other

No it hasn’t. That’s just one possible shitty conclusion being posited by another cowardly sellout public official. Does anyone have the brains and balls to address the root problem which is the fake PCR tests that have been used to SIMULATE a new virus?

[–] 0 pt

It's not. It's now a matter of public record that the government is unable to produce any evidence that it is.


[+] [deleted] 0 pt

No matter how many Vaccines we give, the CDC keeps lying to inflate the number!?!?!

I don't understand, we need MORE Vaccines!!

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Because it's not about immunity. It never has been. It's about gaining compliance and laying the foundation for greater government power over us. It's all a test and the sheep are failing. Like the eviction edict handed down by the CDC. It is an illegal seizure of private property by an unelected body with zero legal power to do so. But they did it anyway. And nobody stopped them. They will continue to advance like this until the public hangings start. Watch. The minute one of these fuckers gets gunned down in his own kitchen, they'll stop. Until then they will keep coming at us.

[–] 1 pt

The minute one of these fuckers gets gunned down in his own kitchen, they'll stop.

You are correct. I've often thought the same thing.

[–] 0 pt

covid is a lie

anyone that cannot definitively state that covid is completely bullshit is lost.

[–] -1 pt

Covid is real faggot. Its a genetically engineered virus. It was created by the NIH.

[–] 1 pt


its the common cold

[–] 0 pt

Its genetically related to some common cold bugs. But the difference is this has an engineered spike protein designed to kill you. It has killed about 6 or 7 million people in a years and it is far more deadly than the flu.

Also, viruses are real and they cause disease.

[–] 1 pt

yeah covid is real.

its symptoms are just equal to that of a nasty cold and/or the flu. it kills basically no one unless you are already on death's door due to morbid obesity, age, or dying from stage 4 cancer, and the flu has basically completely disappeared in the same timespan.

but the virus is definitely real.

the average age of those dying to this very real virus exceeds life expectancy, but it's definitely real.

it's definitely normal for hospitals to be empty and the staff to be working on dance routines during a pandemic (youtube.com) for a very real virus.

the videos out of wuhan china of people dropping dead in the streets from the very real virus were also very real.

stupid fucking faggot. either wake or shut the fuck up.

[–] -1 pt

The severity of covid is basically determined by the amount of virus you have in your body by day 5 to 7 of symptoms, which is very much a affected by the rapidity/effectiveness of your immune response, which is of course largely a function of age, underlying health issues like obesity, nutritional deficiencies...

But also inititial viral exposure. Because viral growth has an exponential growth rate in the absence of an immune response. So whether you inhale 1000 or 50,000 virions will have a great impact on what the quantity of the viral load is 10 days after exposure.

Your health may determine whether you mount an effective immune response at day 5 or day 8 (which is, I assume, a linear or maybe logarithmic function). But if that response happens after the exponential growth of the virus has passed an inflection point you are fucked. Whether you are 6 or 60. That exponential function value is determined by inital population of virus at exposure.

You can kill ANYONE in any state of health with this virus or even its spike protein alone (as vaccine has demonstrated) with high numbers of virions. A very high quantity of virus at initial exposure will result in a lethal dose of sars cov 2 before even a young healthy immune system can respond.

The outcome of a sars infection is just a math equation. You plug in parameters and get a result— mild, moderate, severe. There are old farts who had a mild case and think they have a great immune system because they fought off covid. They probably had a low exposure. Other younger, healthier, middleaged people died because of the initial viral load.

This is basically how all infection disease works. People who have observed mild cases of covid misinterpret it as a mild “cold” because they lack information about how infection works. Math not magic.

Here’s another math lesson:

Your life mean expectancy at age 0 is 78 or something like that, but it isn’t your mean life expectancy at 78. At that point it is around 88. The mode and median life expectancies are much higher than the mean of 78 because death is a massively left skewed curve and not a normal (bell shaped) distribution. So citing the mean age of death as some point at which an old person with covid “should die” is just retarded. If 78 year olds all die when they catch covid, you are fucking up the life expectancy curve of 78 year olds which means you are fucking up the life expectacy curve of EVERYBODY since everybody includes 78 year old which means that the mean life expectancy is now no longer 78 but LESS than 78. Do you get that?

Do you get that if the mean life expectancy is 78 and you kill off all people over 78, that the mean life expectancy is now lower than 78? Is that too complicated a concept to grasp?


Most common age of death is the mode which is 88. Mean is 78. Get it? Hey commander, math ability isn’t always predicted by sex, is it?

[–] 0 pt

upvoted because disagree downvotes are ghey