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A little blast from the past. Hard to believe this was only 4 years ago.


A little blast from the past. Hard to believe this was only 4 years ago. https://archive.is/dFHZx

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

"He said the sign had been an impulsive reaction and that he had been hit by similar crimes 20 times in the last two years." TWENTY TIMES FFS... Dude deserves a medal for even managing to stay in business. What a fucking joke. Everyone who opposed his reaction should spend a day working in his shop and see what happens when niggers are allowed in.

[–] 4 pts

I remember this, it was that Asian guy running a convenience store in Melbourne fed up with nigger thieves. They even showed the footage of the apes robbing him week in and week out.

[–] 2 pts

Right. I started off looking specifically for that video, but couldn't find it.

Did eventually locate it, though. (twitter.com)

[–] 1 pt

In his old age, he'll get soft and let the dogs back into the store.

[–] 2 pts

He needs a bullet-proof booth and a door that only opens out when he buzzes them out.

[–] 3 pts

Outrageous. The dogs never stole anything.

[–] 2 pts

This is why "anti-racists" are completely fucking retarded.

Imagine getting robbed 50 times and 49 times it was by a nigger, the 1 other time was a spic. Then when you get mad and have a reactionary response to blacks, you're the bad guy because some retarded anti-racist thinks you should never take any steps whatsoever to mitigate your losses because reasons.

[–] 1 pt

It’s possible to judge both an individual and a group as a whole. Not every nigger steals, but if someone does end up stealing from you it’s most likely going to be a nigger

[–] 2 pts

They weren't wrong either.

[–] 2 pts

An Australian shop owner who put a sign up banning "black teenagers and dogs” has taken it down after it caused widespread outrage.

Yep, Australian. I'm 10000% sure they weren't chinese. If they were white it would be signalled constantly over the media and made a story for generations.

The conservative government had planned to amend Section 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act, which prohibits offending someone on the basis of race, colour or ethnicity.

However, the plans were shelved at the insistence of religious leaders in the interests of forging closer community cooperation against extremists.

Lmao. Take two guesses whether or not those religious leaders were white.

[–] 1 pt

"we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"

The resident known as CAM should be shown how many people really do fancy signs like that.

It would be hilarious if someone printed out 100 of those and stapled them around town.

[–] 0 pt

This is why I’d honestly be more comfortable living under a society dominated by chinks rather than jews. At least the damn chinks notice patterns and have some respect for meritocracy and hierarchy.

Chinks care about zen shit and harmony.

Contrast that with the chaotic jews who scheme every second of every day on how they can fuck over the goyim.

It is annoying trying to browse a korean store in a low crime area and having the guy yell YOU BUY SOMETHING! GET OUT! When you're a repeat customer in there 2 times a week at least.

[–] 0 pt

This is why I’d honestly be more comfortable living under a society dominated by chinks rather than jews.

Choose the dog shit or the cat shit.

Live in China for a few months, you wouldn't be saying that. They are all bugmen and communists that can only exist by pure servitude to a class system based on social credit.

Chinks care about zen shit and harmony.

100% wrong, this is romanticization in the same way people say US Native Indians were noble people and not actually warlike nomadic cannibal tribes and headhunters.

Contrast that with the chaotic jews who scheme every second of every day on how they can fuck over the goyim.

China are the Jews of Asia, they are continuously scheming.

[–] 0 pt

You’re right, they are romanticized a bit too much. I’ll also agree that it would be trading one shitty situation for another; however, while chinks may be the jews of Asia, I have a retarded feeling of hope that they could change.

Maybe I’m just being dumb like I was when I was a kid and assumed blacks could be made to act like Whites, but at least with Chinks you can actually see that they make an effort to copy us... maybe they could be convinced to copy a more European way of living, without all the jewy influence like feminism, libertarianism, etc.

[–] 0 pt

I have a retarded feeling of hope that they could change.

It cannot, they do not think like us. They can never invent, they can only copy and serve.

I have lived there for an extended time, there are some good things and nice people but they are not like us.

Watch some serpentza (youtube.com)