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If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, and I also acknowledge that some aspects work on both models.

One thing I would ask you to consider doing, is to look at the moon on a cloudy night. See how the moonlight illuminates ONLY the clouds very close to it, marry that with the knowledge (can be tested yourself with a torch against a wall) that a light source FAR from an object would have a very broad beam, but when the torch is close to the wall (or object) the beam is only slightly larger than the light source. If the moon is 240k miles from earth, it should illuminate all the clouds you can see in your vision.

It does not do this, because it (and the sun) are local lights. The sun is NOT 93 MILLION miles away!

Just some food for thought :-)