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If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, you ARE super-indoctrinated. And I guess that makes you feel angry and insecure since if you don’t open wide and accept all NASA’s jizz, then you won’t get paid. And it’s so important to be successful and not question anything when you are working for the jews.

So are you in accounting or custodial services with your tiny little cuck brain?

Do you seriously BELIEVE nasa sent men to the moon?!? How do you explain the moon rock gifted to holland which turned out to be petrified wood?! You cucks don’t even realise you are shilling for free lol

[–] 1 pt

the moon rock gifted to holland which turned out to be petrified wood?!

Wow, never heard about this.

[–] -1 pt


So either it was a completely implausible ‘accident’ or no human has been to the moon... I know which one I think is reality :-)

[–] 1 pt

Lol I feel sorry for you there is a grand universe filled with wonderful things but you are stuck on your flat earth. Please come to Titusville Fl and watch Elon launch a Falcon heavy and land the boosters it a sight to see. The challenger was my first launch and I helped pick up pieces of Columbia from Texas so yes I guess I do have heart for The Space Program. But most of all I am Aryan Nation and Warner VanBraun a fellow NatSoc started our Space Program. If the Nazis would have won we would be living on multiple planets by now. But enjoy your life on this prison Planet

[–] -1 pt (edited )

I feel sorry for you thinking that you are a random meat sack with monkeys as ancestors lol

I’m a unique and sovereign human who is more than entranced with the amazing wonders ON and OF the earth.

Why would I waste my time feeling like I’m missing out because I’ve left the herd psychosis??

This ‘prison planet’ - sorry you are such a fool as to swallow so much utter bullshit!

How do you explain the bible reference on Wernher von Braun’s gravestone? Someone you ‘have heart’ for but can’t spell their name lol



“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

Come on, why the fuck are you so invested in a stranger having a different idea to you??

Hint: it’s because you KNOW you don’t really KNOW, you are just regurgitating what you’ve been told, and you are protecting your conditioning.

[–] 0 pt

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. I love God and if I have been lead into the lies of the Jews. Then damned is my soul. Have you seen the resemblance of the neurons of the brain to the universe. I have no hate against my fellow whites if I am wrong show me something that made you believe.