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If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

Well, when you look through shit-coloured glasses, you see shit, don’t ya!

I’m one of the most open minded people you could ever hope to meet, so I’d love you to provide a direct quote (with context) that you think proves either a closed mind or idiocy!


Ps. I think if this discourse continues, I will be able to easily and effectively show that the close minded idiot is you :-)

[–] 2 pts

You are a fucking liar. I read your replies to the people in this thread, you obfuscate, stonewall, deflect, and evade any true discussion and act utterly obtuse when presented with facts that refute your claim. What is the distance between Argentina and Australia? Explain a Lunar Eclipse? Either of those simply and very easily disprove the notion that the earth is flat. I don't expect any reasonable answers from you, as it is entirely obvious that you are either a blubbering idiot or an agent to discredit the truth through association with this ridiculous drivel

[–] -1 pt

Ha! Triggered you!

Your opinion on my replies is irrelevant.

People who generalise are usually the ones lying.

Give me ONE example, one direct quote where you imagine I’ve done what you claim.

I ask for elucidation, you give me some dribble that just sounds like angry ranting.

You can’t even insult well. Feel free to try again, but I don’t get riled by morons. FACT: you aren’t remotely bright enough to insult me. You may consider yourself bright, but to affect me, simply not bright enough.

Do you cultivate compassion or empathy? Or just one of those incels who thinks they will feel better if everyone thinks the same as them? Would that make you feel safe? Awww, poor diddums. Enjoy your day on this beautiful flat earth!

[–] 1 pt

I already made it clear that you are a fucking LIAR

How much more clear can I put that

You are a LIAR

Notice how you completely ignore my questions.

Go to hell