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If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

I’m not.

I think you may have sub-par comprehension. Or simply too arrogant to think someone is impervious to your (blatant) manipulation and gaslighting!

It went like this:

YOU SAID I’ve checked flight path durations on a globe and it adds up.

I SAID some aspects work on both models. I countered your (shallow) assumption by asking you how many of those flight paths you ‘researched’ went over the north or south poles.

YOU ignored my question and proceeded to attempt gaslighting me into ‘believing’ that I had not followed the conversation. Lame effort. Seriously like very amateur attempt lol

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Let me cut this up and feed it to you in smaller chunks.

In this example:


The pink ghost can get to the right hand side in 1 second if he goes left.


The pink ghost can get to the same destination by going right , but it will take 6 seconds (or 5 if there was a direct path.)

Does it not bother you that the duration of flights demonstrate the same truth?

They match up in a way that it reaches a point that it is faster to just keep flying around the panet.

Said another way. There exists no flat earth map that works with the fligh times

[–] -1 pt

Let me break it down for YOU. There is NO curvature. There is NO ball earth, it’s a fairytale. Flight paths that ‘work’ ‘on the globe’ DO work on the flat earth.

I’m sorry that you are unable to comprehend how your stubborn refusal to entertain a thought which contradicts your conditioning makes you a retarded cuck imo

Here’s some more information and logic for you to ignore in stubborn defence of your belief:


[–] 0 pt

As I suspected. Flat earthers cant come to terms with the flights and are unwilling to conduct an experiment that would actually show them.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the link.

This one actually bothers me


Ive observed this a few times and even stopped to photograph the anomaly of the moon. Do you have an explanation of this? Even a flat planet (or a sun and moon closer to the planet) would not explain this shadow irregularity.