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If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

If you really think this could happen with an earth spinning and going around a sun that is also moving around a galaxy, well, you aren’t thinking, you are regurgitating what you have been told to think.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Flat Earthers are brainwashed by the Jew. When the ground shakes and the night lights because of the power of Nazi rocket technology that started NASA is viewed personally maybe your world will not be so flat

[–] 0 pt

Mate, are you on crack? Get your head out of your ass. What do the stinking textbooks say? What do the university’s say? THAT’S what the Jews want you to believe.

Don’t project your kike loving bullshit onto someone who has broken through their conditioning. You are swallowing their shit and trying to tell me it’s delicious. You could not possibly sound more cucked.

[–] 3 pts


[–] 1 pt

Toroidal to be precise. With entrances in the north and south pole.

An inner earth that is populated by Giants and the god damn reptilians, and an inner star.

Just look up the 3d representation of a hydrogen atom to get a picture.


[–] -1 pt

I agree it’s highly likely that the interior of earth has hollows. But there is simply no curvature.

I lean more towards simulation theory, for which flat earth is the most logical answer.

[–] 0 pt

I guess my 10 years working at Kennedy Space Center made me see. Or maybe the Astronauts that I've been fishing with and asked questions might have done it. Fuck you. Space Coast Florida we got your flat earth ass come on down and see

[–] 1 pt

Dont fall off the edge mate lol

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, you ARE super-indoctrinated. And I guess that makes you feel angry and insecure since if you don’t open wide and accept all NASA’s jizz, then you won’t get paid. And it’s so important to be successful and not question anything when you are working for the jews.

So are you in accounting or custodial services with your tiny little cuck brain?

Do you seriously BELIEVE nasa sent men to the moon?!? How do you explain the moon rock gifted to holland which turned out to be petrified wood?! You cucks don’t even realise you are shilling for free lol

[–] 4 pts

Your argument depends on a mono-pole of a permanent "north" or "south" pole existing, of which is impossible. Every time you cut a magnet, you get opposing North and South poles.

The flat earth is lie. The firmament is misconception of the universe by earlier humans. Just stop with it

[–] 0 pt

I hear, from my army buddy, that compasses don't work in Australia? Dat tru?

[–] 0 pt

Nope. They work. They point to the magnetic North Pole, it’s just not at the top but the middle of our flat plane!

[–] -1 pt

Is that your final answer??

I think you’ll find that with magnetism there is only ‘north’ and south is ‘opposite of north’. Sooooo, yeah, what’s your argument again??

[–] -2 pt

Also, I do what I want, when and how I want, and some zombie stranger ain’t changing that! May as we’ll block me now cause I’m going to double down.. open your mind or get the fuck out of this thread :-)

[–] 0 pt

I get beat up about it, but yeah, I did the research and became a believer.

[–] 1 pt

literally have hard background in electricity and magnetism. Unless you are dropping cited journals (of which, yes, I have disagreed with upon many topics; their research have made it into a journal) shut up


[–] 0 pt

See I think globe earthers are the ‘believers’ - I have been researching, verifying and testing for almost 4 years, and the only ‘belief’ I have left is in God the Creator.. everything else is based on our observable reality.

And I simply do not care for the opinions of numpty bleaters.

[–] 3 pts

TFW you begin to literally believe a joke meme.

[–] 1 pt

I'm pretty sure its a psyop. Its there just to see what they can get you to believe, and to muddy the "conspiracy theory" waters... so people talking about the fake political system or (((who))) the world is trillions of dollars in debt to, will automatically be lumped in with these retards.

[–] -1 pt

The psyop is getting people to denounce it without any question.

I’m secure in the research and tests I‘be done over the part 3-4 years to say there’s no curvature, so no globe.

What research and tests have you done?

It’s a lot easier to dismiss something that threatens your core belief than challenging that belief. And humanity is definitely being dumbed down, and conditioned to accept what they are taught without questioning.

Like if you question the holocaust and even show people that it’s mathematically and logistically IMPOSSIBLE to have killed 6 million Jews, you get eviscerated. Same with flat earth, and hope that makes you pause for a second in your defence of jew education.

[–] -1 pt

Newsflash, you PROTECT the joke meme. You’ve done ZERO research into it, you are just spitting that heliocentric jizz. Heck, you sound drunk on it.

TFW you encounter a proud NPC

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Do flat earthers believe in other planets? Or do they just think earth is the flat one. The rest are spheres

[–] 0 pt

Flat earthers generally have a lot LESS ‘beliefs’ than propaganda regurgitating globetards.

I try to be nicer to the ones who aren’t such condescending incels.

I’ve seen Saturn through a telescope but it was impossible to tell if it was a 2D or 3D object. So no ‘beliefs’ about the planets, or as the bible calls them, wandering stars.

I’ve also seen a total solar eclipse and it did look like the moon was a sphere. Definitely not 240k away. I’ve also photographed the moon, which any thinking person would wonder how that’s possible if the moon actually were 240,000 miles away. That’s about 380,000 kilometres.

I’ve also delved into the awesomeness of sonoluminescence, known as ‘star in a jar’ on YouTube. Very interesting.

What have you done?

[–] 1 pt

I analyzed flights over the globe and found them consistent with the duration of time it would take. A compass works on an airplane.

Why not pool some dollars together and buy 2 or 3 plane tickets to observe with a compass anomolies and record it into their flight log?

Is there interest in actaully conducting an experiment that would contradict their beliefs?

[–] 0 pt

If you bring a construction level onto an airplane then at cruising altitude it stays completely level... how that work on a globe?

I fully support anyone conducting their own tests and experiments, as I have, which is why I’m secure in my opinion.

Like with vaccines, once you know how ineffective and unsafe they are (and therefore worse than useless) you can’t UN-know that.

[–] 0 pt

Also, I’ve been on a number of flights since I first began looking into the shape of the earth with an open mind. And my videos show a flat land. And invariably the planes ascend, remain level and then descend. Which makes perfect sense on a flat earth, and no sense on a globe.

There are definitely aspects that work on BOTH models.

But it’s flat. “Like a seal on wax” is roughly how the bible puts it.

[–] 1 pt

Reading this thread leads me to believe I have found the most closed minded idiot on poal in just two days here

[–] -1 pt

Well, when you look through shit-coloured glasses, you see shit, don’t ya!

I’m one of the most open minded people you could ever hope to meet, so I’d love you to provide a direct quote (with context) that you think proves either a closed mind or idiocy!


Ps. I think if this discourse continues, I will be able to easily and effectively show that the close minded idiot is you :-)

[–] 2 pts

You are a fucking liar. I read your replies to the people in this thread, you obfuscate, stonewall, deflect, and evade any true discussion and act utterly obtuse when presented with facts that refute your claim. What is the distance between Argentina and Australia? Explain a Lunar Eclipse? Either of those simply and very easily disprove the notion that the earth is flat. I don't expect any reasonable answers from you, as it is entirely obvious that you are either a blubbering idiot or an agent to discredit the truth through association with this ridiculous drivel

[–] -1 pt

Ha! Triggered you!

Your opinion on my replies is irrelevant.

People who generalise are usually the ones lying.

Give me ONE example, one direct quote where you imagine I’ve done what you claim.

I ask for elucidation, you give me some dribble that just sounds like angry ranting.

You can’t even insult well. Feel free to try again, but I don’t get riled by morons. FACT: you aren’t remotely bright enough to insult me. You may consider yourself bright, but to affect me, simply not bright enough.

Do you cultivate compassion or empathy? Or just one of those incels who thinks they will feel better if everyone thinks the same as them? Would that make you feel safe? Awww, poor diddums. Enjoy your day on this beautiful flat earth!

[–] 1 pt

I took enough physics and astronomy classes I almost became an astronomer. I can tell you, either science and math are a lie. Or the earth is round.

Our perception with our monkey brain sees it as straight and flat, but in reality spacetime is curving. We perceive it as flat, but it is round. More like an egg though. One of the reasons the ancients called Earth the "egg".

[–] -1 pt

Sorry no, they are not the only options.

Science and math prove the earth is flat and stationary. You are getting confused with scientism.

Eg. If someone said 2 + 2 = 5, you would think they were stupid. But if someone says 2a + 2b = 5c you would try to mathematically prove that was true. Eg (2x20) + (2x5) = (5x10)

How do you feel about gravity being a theory? Because it is ONLY a theory, whereas the Law of Perspective is immutable.

Our eyes and senses see it as flat, and feel it as unmoving, BECAUSE IT IS.

If you apply the scientific model to your own tests (like I did) you will KNOW that 2+2=4. You do not need theoretical mathematics to prove the flat earth, but you DO need it to feed the deception of heliocentrism.

[–] 1 pt

I'm sorry. Theres things like equations for escape velocity, you solve that equation by using the mass of the planetary object you are escaping from.

They use these equations to shoot satellites all the time.

Let me put it this way.. they used to put people in jail for simply thinking the earth was round. It was the law of that time that the earth was flat. Now you idiots are saying the same thing idiotic governments of the past made law.

[–] -1 pt

If that’s how you see it, then that’s how you see it.

To me, you sound like a brainwashed bot regurgitating propaganda!

There is no curvature - I’ve tested this, have you? The properties of water are that it finds its LEVEL. There ain’t no ‘bump’ of water between Hawaii and NZ. Or anywhere else - definitely no bumps on frozen lakes. Or salt flats.

Being called an idiot by a moron really doesn’t bother me. I know my own mind, and being able to utilise the scientific method myself means that your line of argument ‘but they do this thing that I have never done or seen, simply believe’ holds zero weight.

Anything else?

[–] 0 pt

Spinning-ball earthers are literally brainwashed retards, and I'm too unmotivated to say anything else about it right now.

[–] 0 pt

Hearing you loud and clear... and even when I was brainwashed, I wasn’t that retarded to pretend my belief in the globe was anything more than a belief; at least I could acknowledge that I hadn’t looked into it. Fucking cuck shills trying to gaslight me - NOT TODAY SATAN.

[–] 0 pt

so... are all the other planets flat? or is it just ours?

[–] -1 pt

I don’t live on any other planets, so it would only be an assumption.

Unlike orbiting lights in the sky, you can test for curvature on earth, which I have done, and found none.

What have you done to prove to yourself that the earth is a globe??

[–] 1 pt

but if ours was the only one that was flat, that would be a preposterous assumption right?

[–] -1 pt

Firstly, earth IS flat. Secondly, any assumption about something that cannot be tested is a waste of time. You can call that preposterous if that’s how you see it. Putting forward an opinion and inviting discussion is rarely preposterous if you are seeking truth.

What’s truly preposterous is doing NO testing, NO thinking, and ONLY considering your own BELIEF in what you’ve been taught to be ‘true’.

If you want to troll, I will troll back.

If you want to discuss it respectfully with an open mind, you will be treated with respect and compassion.

I was also a believer in the globe, for decades. It was a core belief. The path to truth involved breaking through my own conditioning. It took many months even after I had tested (and repeated the tests in line with the scientific method) and proven to myself the reality of flat earth.

[–] 0 pt

So what exactly is causing it?

[–] 2 pts

Same thing that causes the seasons, the tilt of the Earth.

[–] -1 pt

Yeah nah, sorry that you only have conditioned responses to bleat!

The seasons are caused by the distance of the local sun from the earth - evidenced by the analemma. Don’t know what that is? Look it up. Or you could even conduct the experiment yourself... but we both know you won’t.

Here are some illustrated examples of how ‘earth’s tilt’ is a load of shit, and analemma is an observable, repeatable phenomenon.


[–] 0 pt

Hmmm, not sure if I’ve understood your question - please correct me if you meant differently:

The light trails in the pic are caused by the light coming in from the vanishing point (law of perspective) and then arc-ing around the land and leaving by travelling beyond the cameras vanishing point. You can also check out analemma’s online.

It’s quite clear to me that the sun and moon are local lights, going around the north (centre) pole. The theory of gravity is really a perversion of the reality of electro-magnetism. Our salty oceans are conductors of this energy.