I was set to be an organ donor for most of my life until I learned 2 things:
1: You cannot harvest dead organs, they keep you on life support till they get your shit. Many Dr's have said that there is brain activity and many people feel the pain of their organs getting harvested. I've read stories of people having to be restrained and sedated to complete the procedure.
2: If you are an organ donor they can harvest your skin to make a new VAGINA for some freak tranny to get fucked. Yes, you read that right.
Plus they have an incentive to consider your situation hopeless so they can get your organs.
It's all about the money.
There you go. 100%, If you did not opt-out already it is time to. Unless you want to be part of some freak's gaping hole.
I opted out a few years back when I learned this shit. Fuck that noise!! Everyone in my family knows and they all quit that shit.
Make sure anyone who might speak on your behalf while you are unconscious in a hospital also knows that you do not consent to organ donation. If you have not consented the companies that handle organ donations will have some smooth talking psychopath sit down with your loved ones and convince them that signing you up for organ donation is the best thing for everyone.
We've had family meetings about it!!
"Smooth talking psychopath" is correct sir or madam. And they will nag you until you give in. Put it in your will. Tell your friends and family. Tell your doc. Check your driver license, make sure it does not say yes for donation.
This is the guy that overdosed and they didn't even let him recover from that. I'd bet dollars to donuts the people involved were jeets and coloreds. But the organ recovery agency involved have had lots of problems in the past.
They should be removed from society.
I've heard in some cases, the patient cannot be sedated. There was a OR nurse who had to remove themselves from a organ harvest procedure because they could no longer stand to see the body writhing during the procedure.