Before anything, Let your geek/nerd flag fly. I have been doing volunteer tech stuff so long I don't remember when I started.
Well, I said things are complicated but you put it there. Yeah, I/We deal with a lot of this and it is just nice to find people that have similar ideas/thoughts/etc. I am sorry about the stress part but it is nice to find others that are similar on the other side. When I say you can DM me, it is not just me. My Wife is here too.
Ill be posting some food stuff tomorrow that is awesome if you have never had it.
I'll try to remember to post more food stuff. I was for a bit.
Lately, I'm trying to keep my meso yogurts alive. Work sucks so I'm worn through.
I've been playing with Godot and perl. Perl for work and Godot for fun.