You are the second to last woman on Poal, as far as I can tell.
Teach @AOU how to use Linux and crochet
My Wife is here too but she just wants to lurk. There are probably far more women here than we would expect.
I wish Poal was more of a men's club.
I don't want women reading my poetry.
Ill ask her tomorrow. She probably likes your poetry.
Happy New Year Theo!
I think that's how it works. I've been around since the 90s. I lurk or I'm noisy without people realizing I'm a chick. I remember running tremulous servers and a team speak server with it and having people flip out when I spoke. Geeky chicks fit in until our voices are heard or we are truly noisy about it (as I have been here and on voat).
She uses callsigns that are not obviously "woman" for a reason. Though, we pretty only voice-chat with people we already know so that has not been a issue.
When I was younger I did see that happening a lot though.
"OMGF, GIRL!!!!!" then everyone loses their minds for a few minutes. I don't get it. Sucks that you had to deal with that.
Lol. Knitting is easier for dudes to learn imo. I have taught more guys knitting than anything. Maybe we can start a Poal knitting circle.
In 7th grade, at the hippie school I attended, we all had to take electives.
For some reason, all the male chads in my class took knitting, and I took creative writing.
I'll never forget our shared math class, and all the bullies staring me down, as they knitted their scarfs...
I taught knitting to kids who wanted more shit when I was a librarian. I wasn't allowed to let them play StarCraft my more than once a week and watch anime once a week so we started knitting. They thought they'd get chicks. These were young kids like 12 to 15. Poor boys. The girls showed up, got bored with the knitting and I just showed them random movies when they learned it well enough to knit without thinking. I bet some of those boys still knit. I never cared if they knitted it not. I wanted them to socialize in a good way. The girls did keep coming for the movie and food.
There are more women on Poal than you might think. And I mean real women.
Edit: typo
(post is archived)