If Trump touches that subject, he would appear to be racist. In either direction, doesn't matter who he defends. He either loses his voter base or offends Indians.
This is why he's using musk and vivek to do the dirty work. He's shielding himself from direct attack from his misguided followers. That's a jew trick if I've ever seen one. It's the old NGO plan to do things that don't require legislative action. (((The Plan))) reveals itself now.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch... His silence speaks volumes as to where White men stand in his mind. January 20th is coming, there's no doubt. But, where will White men stand on that day and everyday after that? Will the man we voted for be there for us? Time will tell.
He'll pardon the J6 prisoners and he'll be cheered and revered by his followers. They'll forget all about the pajeet invasion because they'll all be drunk on J6 Q-oolaid. He'll still work to replace Whites and he will definitely work to make israel greater and fight their wars. We'll get a break on gas prices and groceries to pacify us while we head to extinction. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all to hell.
It's just like his last term. Everyone of the stupid Q-faggots were jumping to Trump's defense saying it's not his fault he didn't do anything, it was all the people in Trump's cabinet.
Well, those are the people Trump WANTED to surround himself with you dumb fucks! Those people did exactly as Trump wanted them to do, because they were there to be the shields against criticism for why shit didn't get done, why he never held up to the promises he made!
But noooooo. They had to cradle their chinese-made Trump dolls and hush the cries in their own minds, saying it's not poor widdle Trumpy-Bumpy's fault that he was utterly useless for anything and that there's still a plan going on to save us all and how we're all mean stinky doo-doo heads for not believing Trump was Jesus Himself reborn to save the universe!
But noooooo. They had to cradle their chinese-made Trump dolls and hush the cries in their own minds, saying it's not poor widdle Trumpy-Bumpy's fault that he was utterly useless for anything and that there's still a plan going on to save us all and how we're all mean stinky doo-doo heads for not believing Trump was Jesus Himself reborn to save the universe!
There are still some of those types here on Poal today. They still think it has to be done this way because he can't take any real action for (((reasons))). They were correct about one thing though. This is all just a show. It's just not the show where the good guys win in the end.
(post is archived)