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[–] 5 pts

Two different jobs working for companies I couldn't imagine ever fitting in at.

Does that count?

[–] 4 pts

Yes, I cast a wide net with the question but I would like to hear about that.

[–] 6 pts

It's pretty simple, really. I was contacted by a recruiter to work for a company that did not align with my outlook on life and turned it down. The money - both times - would have been excellent, but I didn't want to hate myself every day I worked there.

I've turned down jobs before, but mostly because of the work itself, or the compensation for it. These two instances were different because it was strictly because of the companies themselves.

[–] 4 pts

I know how you feel on that one. There's a certain company that's always hiring, pays really really well, but are not someone that I would work for or want to. I didn't turn it down because it didn't sit well, though - this was purely a "company is shit and they chew through people" move.

[–] 2 pts

Did you know you'd never work for those companies before they contacted you? Or was it upon researching them?

[–] 2 pts

Been in that same situation myself a few times. Not once have I regretted passing on those opportunities.

Staying true to yourself is 100% the right path.

[–] 0 pt

Staying true to yourself is 100% the right path.

It took me a lot longer to realize that than it should have.