A fair amount of conquistadores were conversos.
Not generally but certainly recently. Isn't mayorkas a pale skinned kike spic traitor?
He sure is.
Mexico got a spic kike president too, the rats seem to be coming out of the woodwork down there.
Pajeets too. Not street shitter pajeets. It's the fast talking high verbal IQ low ethics swindlers in the US, like Pajeet Ramaswamy. Look at nose and tell me he's not a kikejeet.
Apparently a lot of kikes were in the Spanish colony and raped the aztecs.
Not really
just learned there is a whole rhinoplasty thing about it https://pic8.co/sh/ZCARbX.png
oh now that makes sense, I had known of Sephardic jews but didn't know it was Spain they lived in
I especially like this part:
After enduring hardship under the Visigoths, jewish communities thrived for centuries under Muslim rule in Al-Andalus following the Umayyad conquest, which ushered in a golden age. However, their fortunes declined with the Christian Reconquista.
sickening how the jews helped the muslims after the Christians let them live freely
(post is archived)