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What are your thoughts on monarchy? I know most of us are NatSoc, yet I find that NatSoc seems more of a stepping stone back to and foundation of a Monarchy. A Monarchy cannot be stable without at least some of the core tenants of National Socialism. A love of one's nation and the desire to see it healthy and Prosper being the most important.

Not just the feasibility of a Monarchy, but what are your thoughts on if a Monarchy is even necessary or what a Monarchy actually entails beyond a "King." Is a Monarchy more stable and resistant to corruption as it's easier to see the head of the beast should it become diseased? Is the hierarchy of a Monarchy more conducive to a happy and flourishing population with less societal ills plaguing them?

What are the faults of a Monarchy? What are the boons of a Monarchy? What can be done to make a better system?

Do note that I do not believe that there is a politician alive today that I would trust with the powers and mantle of a King. But I do think that having a stable leader would be better than this 4-8 year thing we have in America where things can change on a dime (And usually only for the worse) depending on who is in power at the time. It's just not something I see discussed often, because for some reason people think "Democracy" is the be all end all of politics.

What are your thoughts on monarchy? I know most of us are NatSoc, yet I find that NatSoc seems more of a stepping stone back to and foundation of a Monarchy. A Monarchy cannot be stable without at least some of the core tenants of National Socialism. A love of one's nation and the desire to see it healthy and Prosper being the most important. Not just the feasibility of a Monarchy, but what are your thoughts on if a Monarchy is even necessary or what a Monarchy actually entails beyond a "King." Is a Monarchy more stable and resistant to corruption as it's easier to see the head of the beast should it become diseased? Is the hierarchy of a Monarchy more conducive to a happy and flourishing population with less societal ills plaguing them? What are the faults of a Monarchy? What are the boons of a Monarchy? What can be done to make a better system? Do note that I do not believe that there is a politician alive today that I would trust with the powers and mantle of a King. But I do think that having a stable leader would be better than this 4-8 year thing we have in America where things can change on a dime (And usually only for the worse) depending on who is in power at the time. It's just not something I see discussed often, because for some reason people think "Democracy" is the be all end all of politics.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

As I said before, Monarchy does not mean that the citizens of said Monarchy must be stupid or live in pre-industrial society. Monarchy is a form of Government that centers on a single ruling figure, usually a successor in a bloodline. This person, typically known as a King, is the one who decides laws, tells the military what to do, how to spend the treasury, how diplomacy goes and other statecraft things. He has his advisors, generals and other such notable people to give him information, but the final decisions rests with the King.

In a Monarchy, the King is the Head of State in every way that it matters. He is seen, he is a known element (to a point, as with any politician or statesman) and he is able to be held accountable as a person for his transgressions against the people or for failed policies. He cannot weedle his way out of responsibility by claiming "He isn't allowed" by some other government official, he is the government.

I honestly don't see how much of that would change in a post-industrial society. Would the subjects of the crown be smarter? Yes. Does that necessarily mean that they will want to depose the crown? No, not really. If the Crown provides stability, isn't too oppressive and does its job of protecting the people (and lets them protect themselves) and Nation, then it would be business as usual with more stability regarding who is ruling. No more of this back and forth bullshit every other year with politicians crying that the other side is worse than they are so please give them power.

In regards to the Media and the Internet, there would be some turbulence, but not much more than there already is. A Tyrannical Monarchy would act like any other government.

Then you get into the question of if it's a Constitutional Monarchy, an Absolute Monarchy or what have you.

Again, I am asking you why you think a Monarchy wouldn't work in the modern day. This isn't me asking you for proof, this is me trying to open a dialogue on an open forum. I fully expect to be called out for bad ideas or stupidity, but I can't read your mind. I am not out to prove anything.