I use karen for entitled cunts with light skin, Shenniqua for a entitled female nigger.. or just nigger or sheboon works..
I don't see a problem with having specific derogatory words as long as its used correctly.
Using one word to describe a multitude of races seems like political correctness.. like describing young violent offenders in Chicago as "teens" or "youths".. thats the sort of shit the kiked media does.
Maybe I'm wrong on this though, I can't say I've given it a lot of thought.
I think slurs can serve their function. I just often infer anti white sentiments from the people I hear using Karen. That's only my experience though.
Getting upset about being called something is a thing that low IQ people [niggers/betas/faggots] do though right?
I don't think anything I've said implies I'm upset about it. I'm just pointing it out.
(post is archived)