sudo "make me a sandwich" && sudo "get me a beer"
She's gone.
I have root on every machine in the house except that one.
She's gone.
I have root on every machine in the house except that one.
Schedule breaks together. Maybe 10 min every 2 hrs... longer for lunch. Tell her you have to get your work done and she is so beautiful and fun to be with that you can't focus on your work while she's hanging out. Spoonful of sugar always helps the medicine go down.
I have tried that. She doesn't get it.
That is a very reasonable solution. It's pretty fucked she doesn't respect your wishes, but then again there is a reason I refuse to live with a woman ever again.
Do you prefer men?
Discuss renting an office away from your house? Maybe then she will take you seriously.
I don't want to rent an office away from my house. I took a full remote position specifically so I wouldn't have to leave my house.
Tell her men need their space and their own alone time. Sometimes its just for the most inane and stupid reasons, like farting, others are to contemplate imminent death after the UN kicks your door while you scream behind a knocked table with your shotgun: "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST"
Seriously. Open your mind to your deepest thoughts to her. She wont understand, and that sole factor is reason enough for her to leave you alone for a moment or so.
Be glad she likes to spend time with you. Even though obrez is a glowie, I agree with his advice. Make it clear that you enjoy spending time with her, but structure your day so that she knows you have to concentrate on work mostly, and there are specific periods where you take a break. Make it clear that you enjoy spending time with her on those breaks, but not when you’re working. “Babe, I’ve got to concentrate, let’s hang out when I’m done with this piece in about an hour, I’ll need a breather [and I look forward to my breaks with you].”
I do think you're both right. Thanks for the advice.
Tell her to get a Job, or stay out of the garage.
That's part of the problem. She has a job. It's the kids and the rest of the house.
reverse the lock on the door and take the garage door opener so she cant get in... She'll get the hint.
She can pick locks. If she can't, she'll enlist one of the kids too because they also know how. I'm an idiot and teach all of my family every interesting thing I learn.
She's making an effort to spend time with you, you ought to be asking why if this is new behaviour.
Game plan:
When she comes to smoke and talk tell her you were just about to take a break and ask if she wants to join you on a walk, if she stays in your garage after the walk, the next time she does this take a lunch or snack break after the walk and eat in the kitchen, when you are finished eating declare it is time for you to get back to work.
You will have checked her "spend time with hubby" box off for the day, and walked her through enough doors to tire her a bit and make her forget her train of thought without blowing her off or disgusting her.
You will have checked her "spend time with hubby" box off for the day
Maybe she just has trouble concluding a task? Your tips help make a clear end to the visit. For example some people have trouble ending hanging out with someone, and keep dragging it on and on.
Dick her down good and proper, then turn the locks around on the bedroom door
Talk to her about your work. Tell her in detail what you are doing at all times. If that doesn't run her out, enlist her to help you as your secretary. Eventually she will grok that the garage is for work and leave you to it.
Ask for a beej every time she comes to the garage.
That doesn't solve the problem of me needing to focus on real shit.
I was joking but if she's actually down every time you ask then stay winning, King. Jokes aside headphones, safety glasses, and just ignore until she gets bored. Always have a sudden need to weld when you need some peace and quiet and don't get a second hood lol.
Lol well it's definitely not even close to every time, but there have been successes. I should take up welding though. She'd probably just end up Helen Keller, deaf and dumb and now blind as well.
I'm venting... She's got me in a mood lately.
Do you not speak the same language as your wife?
I guess not. Thought we both spoke English.
Just start grinding some metal..
(post is archived)