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I mean, we can really come up with any definition for the term western civilization to arrive at any conclusion we want, but let's try to be reasonable.

Being around 40 years of age, the last ~5 years have seen more changes in my country than the first ~35. People don't really go out anymore, we have 7 ft tall banners in town displaying topless trans men/women/whatever with scars where their breasts used to be. I remember walking past it a couple of years ago, thinking what it would have been like to hold a 7 year old son in my hand walking past it. That saddens me.

If you were to go into night clubs - most are gone, and the ones that remain are filled with almost exclusively young to middleaged arabs and niggers, with some young native-born women. Keep in mind that this has happened in merely 5-6 years.

Going into town to go grocery shopping is like traveling to a foreign country now. Arabs and niggers everywhere. They don't make up 70% of the population here, but it sure as hell looks like it. I guess our native population is just shying away from this, which makes the niggerness even more prominent.

Societal functions are imploding. People are literally dying waiting to get medical care, there are too few resources, roughly 20% of the school students fail to the point that some of our political parties want to remove the failure grade from our grading system. As if that would fix anything. You can't make this shit up.

I'm blackpilled as fuck and this seems to be the end of it. What do you do to cope, and is this it? Are we just about to fall over the edge with a total civilization collapse in the west?

I mean, we can really come up with any definition for the term western civilization to arrive at any conclusion we want, but let's try to be reasonable. Being around 40 years of age, the last ~5 years have seen more changes in my country than the first ~35. People don't really go out anymore, we have 7 ft tall banners in town displaying topless trans men/women/whatever with scars where their breasts used to be. I remember walking past it a couple of years ago, thinking what it would have been like to hold a 7 year old son in my hand walking past it. That saddens me. If you were to go into night clubs - most are gone, and the ones that remain are filled with almost exclusively young to middleaged arabs and niggers, with some young native-born women. Keep in mind that this has happened in merely 5-6 years. Going into town to go grocery shopping is like traveling to a foreign country now. Arabs and niggers everywhere. They don't make up 70% of the population here, but it sure as hell looks like it. I guess our native population is just shying away from this, which makes the niggerness even more prominent. Societal functions are imploding. People are literally dying waiting to get medical care, there are too few resources, roughly 20% of the school students fail to the point that some of our political parties want to remove the failure grade from our grading system. As if that would fix anything. You can't make this shit up. I'm blackpilled as fuck and this seems to be the end of it. What do you do to cope, and is this it? Are we just about to fall over the edge with a total civilization collapse in the west?
[–] 7 pts

First we must consider the timeline - when did jews gain control over your nation? How did they do it? For Aryans who experienced extreme violence in their land, and the so called reconstruction that takes place after, there is a very clear line for when it ended for them.

As an American, I view 1861 as the knockout and 1913 as the deathblow. What we have had since then cannot rightly be called Western Civilization. To be black pilled that it's ending, is a bit strange to me. That'd be like being a German and being black pilled that Weimar was collapsing in 1932.

You were born a slave. Your master is losing control. Act accordingly.

[–] 1 pt

This is a great take - thanks. It's a really good perspective on the development of things right now. I don't mind the collapse, I just wish we didn't have a nigger invasion going on. But maybe that's what it takes, or something.

[–] 5 pts

I saw an ambulance chaser billboard that had Arabic script on it yesterday.

They have to go back.

[–] 4 pts

That’s the consequence of a much bigger problem you didn’t name.

[–] 1 pt

Which is what? That we haven't exterminated kikes yet?

[–] 4 pts

Your post is focusing on the consequence, not the cause, which is very jewy.

[–] 3 pts

If there truly was no hope, their propaganda wouldn't be necessary.

[–] 0 pt

That's a fair point, but there comes a time when that might not hold true anymore - best case we're seeing a shift in public opinion in the last year or so, but politicians seem to have abandoned their own countries since long. Even if things turn around now, it's going to be shit for at least another decade. And that's some almost-delusional best-case scenario.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Night clubs have been like that for a while. Why would you go to one? It's just irreparable hearing damage and STDs.

Edit: STD if you're lucky

[–] 2 pts

life is a trial. every problematic situation you encounter is a trial. will you make it? will you be deemed worthy? not if you allow yourself to be blackpilled. if you fail what makes you think you even deserve Aryan civilization?

what will happen in the future is not decided yet. Great man history is true. The future is whatever the great man decides it will be. Free will is more powerful than nukes. Thinking it's over totally ignores the fact that free will exists.

What do you do to cope, and is this it?

spiritual awakening maybe

[–] 2 pts

Yes. I've been posting this very thing for years. I just want it to crash sooner because I don't want to be an old man when it does crash.

[–] 2 pts

Civilization is Men following laws to allow everyone to live in peace. The acts of criminals Not following the law and the GOV. Not enforcing the law against these criminals will Force civilized MEN to END the crimes. The result will not be civilized.

[–] 1 pt

No, It was when our cities ceased to be majority white. This country was dead long b4 I was born. Only way to fix a nigger infestation that bad is to nuke it from orbit and start over.

[–] 1 pt

Jews ruin every country they are allowed to participate in.

[–] 1 pt

Sadly, White people will contribute to their own demise. When the true cause of global strife is discussed, most Whites will object, not on a factual basis, but emotionally.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Bullshit. Aryans have been attacked economically and socially for over 100 years and are finally waking up. The jew is terrified.

[–] 0 pt

Not saying you are wrong, but the virtue signalling White is as much an opponent as The jew.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

but the virtue signalling White is as much an opponent as The jew.

Yes, let's turn Aryans against themselves because some of them have been temporarily socially conditioned. /s

What a profoundly jewish thing to say.

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