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Seems like they're just gatekeepers for behind the counter medication anymore.

Seems like they're just gatekeepers for behind the counter medication anymore.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I don't understand how people get addicted to pain killers when docs are so reluctant to give out the drugs to the normal people who need them.

[–] 7 pts

In the 90s doctors prescribed oxycontin for just about any chronic pain. They told people that there was almost zero risk of it being abused or becoming dependent on it. Doctors were then incentivised by all sorts of kick backs and conferences in the Caribbean in the winter on treating the "epidemic" of untreated chronic pain. Oxycontin was going to give people their lives back, lol.

And....... jews did this

[–] 2 pts

The "painkiller" documentary on netflix would have been good if they called out the filthy jews the saklers are. But you can't open too many eyes, let the golems believe the saklers are evil whites.

[–] 4 pts

Years ago I dropped a very large and heavy piece of equipment on my middle finder. Blood under the nail, swelling etc. Felt like the thing was going to explode so I went to the ER. I waited 3 fucking hours and the doc blows into the room, tears me off a prescription and goes to leave. I stopped her and asked if she just drain it or something. She said no and fucked off. Then I looked at the prescription - it was for a SINGLE Percocet. Not one refill, a single pill. The "DSB" written on the bottom let me know she thought I, a white man who rarely goes to the hospital was just out cruising for drugs.

I was there in my fucking branded work attire too. It's not like my story didn't jive.

[–] 2 pts

I'm convinced, after hearing so many stories like yours, that they either sell the prescriptions on the side to addicts and then refuse to prescribe it to real patients in order to keep from showing up on the radar for overprescribing; or they are addicts themselves and are projecting their motivations on to you.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Tell me about it dude. It's like "Oh you seem to have broke a rib. Get some Tylenol 500's and take those. Oh and while you're here do you want a free flu shot?"

[–] 1 pt

You must be seeing the same doctor, the one I'm dealing with said two Tylenol 500s three times a day and go to useless physical therapy. Some serious pain drugs are needed for my mother but that's as far as they'll go. I think they should give her any drug she wants at her age.

[–] 1 pt

I stopped taking Tylenol and Advil years ago when I learned about their correlation with heart damage. Lost a little weight too, and I have almost no joint pain anymore. I'm convinced those drugs interfere with the bodies ability to heal and manage pain.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Yeah now factor in the age and how the max strength of Tylenol had to be reduced because too many people were overdosing on accident. It's almost like the medical community decided to just kill old folks.


[–] 1 pt

Get your mom a pain doc consult at a university medical center that has a real pain clinic.

[–] 3 pts

My wife had a root canal recently and was told she would have to request/demand them and sign an affidavit acknowledging their addictive traits, otherwise they only prescribe Tylenol. Looks like the jews got out of the doctor dope game and shut the door behind them...

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You and wife might want to check out banned netflix documentary called root cause.

I had one 20 years ago and and just had it removed last year after they randomly found an abcess that had been there for God knows how long.

A friend of mine just had a hysterectomy and is young, after a 15 year root canal (they also found a cyst) was removed but she believes too little too late.

once they take the nerve out you cant tell its even infected because you cant feel the pain.

basically , people are finding out root canals arent all that theyre made out to be. You end up with an infection in your gums causing havoc and no way to know its there and most dental offices dont carry sufficient xray equipment to even detect it. You have to find an office with a beam xray scanner. I would change dentist to any that has above equipment , so at least you can catch it early if/when the root canal turns into a detectable infection, and it probably will.

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for the info.

seriously, thanks.

[–] 2 pts

They are more reluctant nowadays yes, not years ago.

[–] 2 pts

A lot of pill mill doctors that'll write whatever prescription you want.