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Seems like they're just gatekeepers for behind the counter medication anymore.

Seems like they're just gatekeepers for behind the counter medication anymore.

(post is archived)

[–] 20 pts

Not only useless, but dangerous.

[–] 7 pts

Isn't the #3 leading cause of death in the USA medical malpractice?

[–] 4 pts

I personally have had THREE members of my extended family killed by negligent doctors, one very recently. That one side of the family just can't catch a break.

Now that I'm thinking about it my cousin's friend died due to doctors fucking around as well. Went in for knee replacement and the surgeon didn't want to do a follow-up for 3 months. A week later she went to the ER because of swelling and pain in the knee. ER docs sent her home with pain meds. Two days later she's being helicoptered to the city because of a severe blood infection - stemming from the knee surgery. She didn't make it all because some cock bag couldn't be bothered to scrub up correctly.

[–] 3 pts

Idk man it seems like doctors are sort of designated grim reapers, since their standards are upheld by the government, they are acting on their behalf ultimately (and for money of course)...

I said this to people about covid, nobody was dying at home in their beds with covid, nobody was dying int he streets by the dozens from covid- they all catch "covid" when they feel a flu and take a test which shows positive. Then, they go to a hospital, where it's treated like the most serious fucking thing you could ever imagine. The stress this puts on the body will absolutely fuck with your immune system- being cut off from your family, not knowing about job security, thinking you might fucking die and actually believing it because the doctors are telling you that this nasty flu you have is muh covid.

Then their health turns for the worse. They get pneumonia, and end up on remdesivir and then a ventilator and then they're fucking dead. The entire homeless population of the USA should've dropped dead of covid if it was what they sold it as, but they're doing just fine, sharing needles and living in the streets through the entire "pandemic".

[–] 1 pt

It's probably #1 in the world.

[–] 4 pts

Yeah, it's the #3 admitted cause- that's just all the times they were caught either intentionally murdering their patient or accidentally killing them by being a fuckup.

Want to know something terrifying? I used to work in the medical field, in hospitals often. Almost all of the doctors are on a cocktail of morphine and some kind of amphetamines. For real.