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So my kids (3 Sons 25-31) are having kids now and their friends are having kids. Lots of baby showers. My contention is that baby showers are for women. I don't so much mind the close men of the family attending like maybe Grandpa, father, brother, son, whatever. But men in general I do not think need to be going to the baby showers of their friends women.

I am alone in my argument. Everyone seems to expect that the men should be going to "support" these women or some such nonsense. I just feel like this is a link in the chain of the feminization of men. Next they will say men should be going to bridal showers.

What say you Poal? Should men be expected to attend baby showers?

So my kids (3 Sons 25-31) are having kids now and their friends are having kids. Lots of baby showers. My contention is that baby showers are for women. I don't so much mind the close men of the family attending like maybe Grandpa, father, brother, son, whatever. But men in general I do not think need to be going to the baby showers of their friends women. I am alone in my argument. Everyone seems to expect that the men should be going to "support" these women or some such nonsense. I just feel like this is a link in the chain of the feminization of men. Next they will say men should be going to bridal showers. What say you Poal? Should men be expected to attend baby showers?

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

And that's the rub right there. I try to explain that the reason they think things have "changed" and men are supposed to go to this nonsense is because of the bullshit on tv and the feminization of men. They insist that I am just old fashioned and stuck in the past. I need to "get with the times"

[–] 6 pts

Yeah they've all been brainwashed by jews. The smarter male ones will figure it out.

[–] 3 pts

I'm working on it. Sometimes it's like smacking my forehead on the table.

[–] 2 pts

The woods go out in the woods with them and they will become men after a while.

[–] 5 pts

you're just old-fashioned and stuck in the past

So are baby showers.

[–] 2 pts

I don't know. They seem fine to me. I get time to do other shit when the woman goes off to some baby shower thing. She is going to one next weekend and I told her in no uncertain terms that I will not be going. She also thinks I am being unreasonable.

[–] 3 pts

My point was that if they want to not do old-fashioned things, they need to avoid baby showers which are also old-fashioned.

I just read that people bring gifts to them. Now I see why they want everyone to come: more gifts.

[–] 1 pt

Notice how she conflates reason with desire. They aren't the same. Of course you're not being reasonable, any more than she is. No, I'm not being reasonable, I simply don't want to go. I'm fine with you going.

My wife understands I don't want to be with a group of women so she assumes I don't want to go from the start. However, if she wants me to, she'll say, I know you don't want to go, but.... and she'll explain why she wants me to go. At that point, I come up with an "out" so she can explain why I can't come to her friends. Unfortunately, Covid is over, so I can't just let that fly out anymore, I have to actually think of something plausible.

[–] 3 pts

The new thing is not always the right way. Men and woman deserve their own spaces and events. We are different and can not change these things, which is why men have no business going to a non family members babyshower.