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So my kids (3 Sons 25-31) are having kids now and their friends are having kids. Lots of baby showers. My contention is that baby showers are for women. I don't so much mind the close men of the family attending like maybe Grandpa, father, brother, son, whatever. But men in general I do not think need to be going to the baby showers of their friends women.

I am alone in my argument. Everyone seems to expect that the men should be going to "support" these women or some such nonsense. I just feel like this is a link in the chain of the feminization of men. Next they will say men should be going to bridal showers.

What say you Poal? Should men be expected to attend baby showers?

So my kids (3 Sons 25-31) are having kids now and their friends are having kids. Lots of baby showers. My contention is that baby showers are for women. I don't so much mind the close men of the family attending like maybe Grandpa, father, brother, son, whatever. But men in general I do not think need to be going to the baby showers of their friends women. I am alone in my argument. Everyone seems to expect that the men should be going to "support" these women or some such nonsense. I just feel like this is a link in the chain of the feminization of men. Next they will say men should be going to bridal showers. What say you Poal? Should men be expected to attend baby showers?

(post is archived)

[–] 22 pts

Female only except direct male relatives. Tell your family to stop drinking so much soy and to turn off their talmudvisions.

[–] 7 pts

And that's the rub right there. I try to explain that the reason they think things have "changed" and men are supposed to go to this nonsense is because of the bullshit on tv and the feminization of men. They insist that I am just old fashioned and stuck in the past. I need to "get with the times"

[–] 6 pts

Yeah they've all been brainwashed by jews. The smarter male ones will figure it out.

[–] 3 pts

I'm working on it. Sometimes it's like smacking my forehead on the table.

[–] 5 pts

you're just old-fashioned and stuck in the past

So are baby showers.

[–] 2 pts

I don't know. They seem fine to me. I get time to do other shit when the woman goes off to some baby shower thing. She is going to one next weekend and I told her in no uncertain terms that I will not be going. She also thinks I am being unreasonable.

[–] 3 pts

The new thing is not always the right way. Men and woman deserve their own spaces and events. We are different and can not change these things, which is why men have no business going to a non family members babyshower.

[–] 16 pts

Showers are female

[–] 11 pts

I have been married for 51 years and have 'missed' many of the women only events and was never invited because WOMEN do Not want MEN at a 'Hen party'.

[–] 4 pts

Not around as long as you but I agree. I think a part of it is 'men' inviting themselves. What woman actually wants any men at an event like that.

[–] 3 pts

No 'women' want men at their hen parties. That idea is all liberal/feminism.

[–] 4 pts

Proper men would also refuse the invite and rather say that they will get the guys together to go fishing or BBQ while the women do their thing.. Or they would just fuck off and do whatever the want/need to do at the time.

I do not understand why a man would ever be at a event like this.

[–] 7 pts

Agree with you completely. Husband father grampa sure but don't subject other men to that torture.

[–] 6 pts

Speaking from a female perspective, I couldn’t agree more. Showers, whether bridal or baby, are for women.

[–] 4 pts

Women's event. If you want to go, fine. But an expectation or demand for attendance is unreasonable. It's an event by women for women.

[–] 2 pts

I've never been to a baby shower where a male was present. Pretty much unheard of. In my experience they dropped their woman off, made sure she made it inside safely. Went out for a few hours with their buddies. Towards the end of the shower, they returned to help load up the gifts, and put the place back together.

[–] 1 pt

Nice. I can get onboard with that.

[–] 2 pts

Fuck all that - baby showers and their belayed parties known as 'sprinkles' are for women.

[–] 0 pt

Never heard of sprinkles but if I ever get an invite for one I damn sure won't be going.

[–] 1 pt

The wife had a few of them - instead of a "shower" its a "sprinkle" (keeping with the watery theme, I would guess).

Either way, she's done several of them and I have been to zero.

[–] 0 pt

I can't fault a guy for going if it's an immediate relation to him. The expectation to go to just other peoples shit is what bothers me.

[–] 2 pts

Take it a step further. There was a time when "baby showers" didn't exist. This was a better time. Therefore, baby showers shouldn't exist and real couples don't have them.

[–] 0 pt

There was a time that trucks didn't exist either and that was a better time. But I am not giving up my trucks!!

[–] 2 pts

Put a stop to it, don't let your family make men go. The lgbtq-trans agenda is to change our society and get mentally ill men into women's spaces and they want to normalize it and spread it to the normal people.

[–] 1 pt

Interesting take on it. I hadn't looked at it quite that way.

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