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You know since the vax is so dangerous they want POC to be vaccinated first.

This will do to things. Highlighting the danger of the vax, and convincing POCs to not get the Vax. Win Win

Even if POC see through this and get the vax. Well also a win.


You know since the vax is so dangerous they want POC to be vaccinated first. This will do to things. Highlighting the danger of the vax, and convincing POCs to not get the Vax. Win Win Even if POC see through this and get the vax. Well also a win. Thoughts?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

When will you people understand that the left doesn't care about principles? They will NEVER be got'cha'ed by their own stupid logic.

They just want your stuff and power. They are zombies.

Your time would be better spent learning how to make timed bombs for sabotage.