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[–] 17 pts

Jews use deflection to enable their psychotic plans. They cause problems while transferring the problem to others. You see this all the times. Niggers and guns are another example. Guns don't kill people, niggers do. And since jews want whites to be powerless, they blame guns so they can take guns away from whites.

Kyle is white. Kyle had a gun. They hate whites, especially whites with guns. They need to shift the narrative that Kyle was the antagonist because that fits their warped narrative.

[–] 8 pts

They saw what a properly practiced 17 year old white kid can do to a mob of armed jews and blacks.

[–] 8 pts

And it scares the shit out of their jew, pedo, leftist, nigger asses. Imagine 1 million Kyle's all in one group just walking into DC. It would fall in under 10 seconds.

[–] 1 pt

Kyle is white.

Kyle's a spic. One with a lot of White DNA I grant you, but he's still a spic.

[–] 1 pt

You only needed to type the first word in that post.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Don't bother operating off the logic of your enemies. They hate you. They've proven time and time again that the only standard they have is one they expect others to follow.

[–] 8 pts

Rape victims aren't braving anything. If they put themselves in a dangerous situation, it's because they're stupid. They're not helping anyone. I mean they could be, but they're usually not. Kyle put himself in a dangerous situation with the express purpose of helping other people.

[–] 2 pts

You should help me by sending me your nudes

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Welcome back missed ya

[–] 0 pt

@crazy is this you

[–] 0 pt

send your nudes to me too

[–] 0 pt

The point is that doing something stupid doesn't make you responsible for the actions of people who take advantage of your poor choices. Human beings have agency, which means each actor is responsible for his actions and his actions alone. Each person's culpability ends where the decision of another begins. Kyle did not make Joseph Rosenbaum threaten to kill him. Kyle did not make Joseph Rosenbaum choose to chase him. Kyle did not make Kaminsky choose to fire his .40 S&W while Rosenbaum was chasing Kyle. Kyle did not make Joseph Rosenbaum choose to continue charging Kyle and reach for his weapon after Kyle stopped running and turned around to face him. The only thing Kyle is responsible for is choosing to aim his rifle at Joseph Rosenbaum and pull the trigger. The legal question is whether his decision was justified by the circumstances known to him at the time or whether it was not.

[–] 1 pt

I don't understand why this point isn't made more often.

The claim that Kyle shouldn't have been there is called "prior restraint" and the courts have routinely upheld that prior restraint is not an element of any crime. You don't have to stop doing legal things just because some dumbass might react to your legal thing by breaking the law.

Kyle was allowed to be at that protest. He is allowed to carry a rifle. He is allowed to go into a crowd to help or not. He is allowed to do everything a free person is allowed to do as long as it does not break the law or directly cause a harm.

The fact that he was attacked for doing things that he is allowed to do has nothing to do with him doing those things allowed and he has no obligation to not do those allowed things.

[–] 1 pt

Technically nobody had a right to be at that protest because of a curfew order. However, since Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gauge Grosskreutz were also illegally there things sort of "cancel out."

[–] 5 pts

A tight argument using this to point out "victim blaming" has made a couple of libtard heads explode. He (or she) did nothing illegal although we may find it foolish or even provocative. Trying to rip off her string bikini (or grab his gun) is an illegal act of violence. Both justify self defense. They really have nothing to say.

[–] 0 pt

A tight argument using this to point out "victim blaming" has made a couple of libtard heads explode. He (or she) did nothing illegal although we may find it foolish or even provocative. Trying to rip off her string bikini (or grab his gun) is an illegal act of violence. Both justify self defense. They really have nothing to say.

Someone trying to grab another mans gun probably has malicious intent, a man trying to strip off a woman's string bikini wants the goods which are being advertised, they aren't equivalent at all.

[–] 1 pt

Stealing advertised goods is malicious. So, trying to steal those goods is malicious intent.

[–] 0 pt

Legally they are the same, attempting to remove property from the immediate possession of the holder. Legally, both are assaults and justify self defense. ('sploding libtard brain)

[–] 1 pt

Or how women take birth control to protect their freedoms while having casual sex. Kyle was protecting himself to enjoy his freedoms that the mob of marxists was trying to take away.

[–] 1 pt

Fun Fact: the chances of a rape "finishing successfully for the rapist" when a woman fights back unarmed is approximately 45%... Since 1960 when these stats started being tracked, only a single rape has been successful for the rapist when the woman fought back and had a gun.

The very reason I went to self-defense class after being assaulted.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Doesn’t seem like intent matters once you’re being attacked. Also he openly had a gun out. Doesn’t the argument go in the exact same way in the opposite direction? Why were THEY hanging around and attacking someone with a gun out?

And so let’s say he did instigate “the attack”. So now all I need to do to murder someone is just prove they instigated an attack of any kind? And if I show up already aggravated, then that’s proof of them instigating the attack by simply being there?

[–] 1 pt

Why were THEY hanging around and attacking someone with a gun out?

I like how open-carrying where it's 100% legal to do so is "provoking a dangerous situation," but grabbing someone's gun isn't.

[–] 0 pt

Guns are a deterrent. Dressing like a whore is an attractent.

Think before you speak son

[–] -1 pt

But the prosecution is insisting that having the gun was an attractant. Having the gun caused the violent reaction.

[–] 0 pt

You mean your fellow combatants?

[–] 1 pt

Very good analogy

[–] 0 pt

..or the rape victim from using the proper public rest room?

[–] 0 pt

Honestly, had he just stayed home, he wouldn't now be in the shitter

[–] 0 pt

That's called prior restraint and has been summarily rejected by courts thousands of times.

Kyle had no obligation to not go to a protest.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, but still. I bet he WISHES he had stayed home. See also 'Jan 6 Capitol protestors'.

[–] 0 pt

If he is acquitted, he's gonna be rich and famous. Famous either way.

What he always wanted. He'll never have to work again.

[–] 0 pt

Very true. If I just hadn't bought that car niggers wouldn't have stolen it. If I hadn't carried a wallet those niggers couldn't have robbed me of $200. Every single event in your life is the result of choices you make, even the events where you're 100% the victim. We're talking about criminal culpability. Just because Kyle may have been better-served by staying home doesn't make him responsible for what happened.

[–] 0 pt

Dude, those comparisons are ridiculous. He grabbed a gun and ammo and body armor, and drove x miles to where jews and niggers were rioting, to do...what? His life wasn't in danger. I am overjoyed he took two kikes out of circulation, but was it worth it...for HIM?? Fuck no. 50 years ago he would have been given the keys to the city. In current year he is only a hero to a minority.

[–] 0 pt

Dude, those comparisons are ridiculous.

Not even a little bit. They're all perfectly legal things to do.

He grabbed a gun and ammo and body armor, and drove x miles to where jews and niggers were rioting, to do...what?


His life wasn't in danger.

Why bother to do anything when a nigger is raping some bitch? You're life isn't in danger. Kyle did it because he cares about the communities where he lives and works. They weren't rioting in Antioch where he lived, they were rioting in Kenosha where he worked. We need more people like him, not more niggers saying "it's not my problem."

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