Jews use deflection to enable their psychotic plans. They cause problems while transferring the problem to others. You see this all the times. Niggers and guns are another example. Guns don't kill people, niggers do. And since jews want whites to be powerless, they blame guns so they can take guns away from whites.
Kyle is white. Kyle had a gun. They hate whites, especially whites with guns. They need to shift the narrative that Kyle was the antagonist because that fits their warped narrative.
They saw what a properly practiced 17 year old white kid can do to a mob of armed jews and blacks.
And it scares the shit out of their jew, pedo, leftist, nigger asses. Imagine 1 million Kyle's all in one group just walking into DC. It would fall in under 10 seconds.
...and it scared the beegeezus out of them.
Kyle is white.
Kyle's a spic. One with a lot of White DNA I grant you, but he's still a spic.
You only needed to type the first word in that post.
(post is archived)