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I live in a small world now but Im just tired of reading shit thats happening. Im tired of trying to be prepared for whats coming. Im tired of the rich fuckers who think they dont have to care. Im tired of the people who see shit coming and do nothing to prepare. Fuck, Im just getting tired. Im tired of doing the same shit all the time.

I live in a small world now but Im just tired of reading shit thats happening. Im tired of trying to be prepared for whats coming. Im tired of the rich fuckers who think they dont have to care. Im tired of the people who see shit coming and do nothing to prepare. Fuck, Im just getting tired. Im tired of doing the same shit all the time.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

I'll tell you what is making you tired. You see things happening in the world that make you angry or sad, but you can't do anything at all to change them. Adrenaline and other compounds are being released into your body to prepare you for physical action, and you are not taking any physical action. This is making you exhausted.

One way to deal with this is to detach yourself emotionally from what you are seeing. Let go of it, and it will no longer have the power to jerk your emotions around. Those juices won't get squirted into your blood and tissues, and you won't get so tired. You can still judge what you see on the intellectual level, but you don't need to engage with it on the emotional level, since it is beyond your ability to change it.

On this note, I suggest that you read the Enchiridion by the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus. It's quite short and you will learn from it.

I dont think your reading me right, but thats not your fault and is ok. Some of it may have to do with how old one is to begin with.

[–] 0 pt

Enchiridion by the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus

Thanks for the recommendation. This is why Poal is still an awesome place.