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I mean they are obviously a public health risk.

I mean they are obviously a public health risk.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts (edited )

Niggers can serve public health if we use them for animal testing. LD50 tests in particular.

They may be less related to humans than pigs, but animal testing in 2021 seems barbaric and cruel to the animals, so let's be humane and replace animal testing with nigger testing for a better world where humans and animals live in harmony.

[–] 4 pts

“End Racism” is still stenciled in most nfl end zones as the knuckle-headed Caucasian fans are starting to refill these ds-sports-complexes, falling right back into old, apatheticly destructive patterns.

It’s like we haven’t learned anything.

[–] 3 pts

I noticed this shit too. End racism. All that means is “Whites don’t defend yourself”. Niggers will continue to be aggressively racist and continue to get free pass on everything. Definitely not held to the same standard. If anything a movement should start to bring focus on black on white racism, for its well above anything Whites have ever done. Including slavery. Instead of one plantation in a movie once treating a bigger bad, it’s every other nigger on the planet that perform atrocities against Whites every minute around the globe.

[–] 1 pt

maybe most of them will drop dead once coronachan starts working

[–] 3 pts

I'd rather use them for LD100 tests.

[–] 1 pt

The jews can do the LD6000000 tests.

[–] 0 pt

Please calculate LD50 for blacks and report back. You may use black on black or total rate of homicide plus accidental deaths. LD50 will be the black population fraction which kills half the total population. Please use unfed blacks or a model thereof in your calculation. Show all work and sources. 50 pts.

[–] 0 pt

In school our teacher instructed us to wash better after gym class because smelly niggers. Niggers didnt give fuck, and I was so angry I threw friggin soap at them smelly fuckers. I discovered then accidentally that LD50 for soap seems to be about 10 grams.

I am sorry I don't have any sources besides my flawless memory.

[–] 4 pts

mandatory abortions for niggers

[–] 2 pts

Based (loginportal.funnyjunk.com)

[–] 0 pt

You misspelled, sterilization

[–] 2 pts

Black babies should be forced to be born in a native African tribe, you know, to learn about good wholesome values.

The sheboons commit a lot of the violence and theft too. A sheboon can do anything a buck can do! Stop selling niggers short, you racist bastard!

[–] 0 pt

Black women have the highest STD rates, according to the CDC...around 52% of muh nigresses have at least one STD. They are a health risk, so, let's deport them all to Mauritania.

Been getting this five-second Youtube ad lately with all these obese negresses in plus-size lingerie shimmying their blubber mounds while some niggersow is ooking "Dey leak proof, dey leak proof." Which led me to wonder, is incontinence really that common among niggersows?

[–] 1 pt

Dey got dat wet-ass pussy

[–] 0 pt

Which begs the question, what is going on that makes black male babies a health risk to begin with?

[–] 3 pts

Genetic predisposition. Apes with rudimentary language skills and opposable thumbs are incompatible with modern human society, no matter how much their jew wranglers try to anthropomorphize them and convince Whites otherwise.

[–] 1 pt

Black male baby's have an issue where in 12 years of being told in school that whitey is the blame they become the public health hazard for everyone else.

[–] 0 pt

A third of them have the gene for aggression.

[–] 0 pt

its jewish propaganda, of course your not allowed to benefit from it

[–] 0 pt

It's really just as simple as stop giving them free shit.

That's it. That's all we need to do.

Good luck getting into power on that platform though.

[–] 0 pt

Hell no, I want to give them free shit, ie let's cut them a monthly check to renounce their US citizenship, and live the the black utopia of Liberia.

I'll take a free shit on their nappy heads. lol

Imagine being pro-life when the alternative is endless niggers.

How about outlawing people with diagnosed HIV from having any sex at all? Fuck their "prep" shit, fuck their rubbers, no sex of any kind for those diagnosed with HIV. If public health is really all important, then this is a no brainer.

[–] 0 pt

Ever read Freakonomics?

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