This is a slaughter. Myocarditis can (and probably does to some degree in probably all cases) cause permanent heart muscle damage. Basically a portionof the heart muscle dies, depending on the severity of the inflamation.
Basically you get this once and you have a heart condition for the rest of your life, if you survive long enough to have a life.
Now, "experts" say that you can get myocarditis from the chyna virus as well as part of the need for cult members to justify their deeply held beliefs and normalize these numbers by comparing it to something equal. Fair enough. However, your post shows the magnitude of the problem.
This is a total slaughter. They will have to kill me before I will allow this to be done to me.
"experts" say that you can get myocarditis from the chyna virus
"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion." - Karl Marx
It's just another Jewish trick. And it's working for them because they own the media and major websites.
Rules for Republicans: Accuse your enemy of what they accuse you of while they are accusing you to create antipathy among your voter base.
There is a book in there somewhere.
Myocarditis does cause permanent heart damage, there is no "can" about it.
Don't bury your vaxed relatives yet.
JF Gariepy got myocarditis from a virus in his twenties IIRC and he's fat and pushing 38. Just because you get a degree of heart damage it isn't necessarily a death sentence(At least not medium term).
No reason to get a myocarditis injection for no reason, though.
AFAIK, it's 50% dead within 5 years.
Those who don't die in five years likely have significantly better outcomes but with reduced function.
Would be interesting to know the historical outcome of the other 50%.
Oh good, so you get to toss a coin and figure out if you live or die. Sounds like russian roulette with a worse outcome than a kike at a flea market.
Where did you get the figure 50% from?
Iv never had any health problems because god made me perfect. I was god showing off. You’re all blessed to exist while I exist. What’s it like being able to talk to gods greatest creation?
Let me see how perfect he made you, send me a picture of his greatest creation in all its glory. 😉
I piss excellence
50% five years survival for myocarditis IIRC from cardiologist Pete McCollugh.
JF Gariepy
That name sounds very familiar. Wasn't he big post-gamergate?
Now he sells science books, does btc advocacy and livestreams the news.
Not nearly as entertaining as when he had Nick Fuentes vs a retarded Prostitute but still informative.
That name sounds very familiar. Wasn't he big post-gamergate?
I'm not sure of anything he did related to gamergate, but he did gain a following while he was moderating youtube debates with Andy Warski. They had a falling out in 2018 which lead to him starting his own channel called the the "Public Space". He does discuss many interesting topics, including the intersection of race and biology, and often interviews various guest speakers.
The term "mild myocarditis" was invented to cover up this genocide. Myocarditis is NEVER mild. It has a 50% 2 year mortality rate (increasing to 68% at 3 years and it only gets worse from there). Your heart muscles don't regenerate, once they are fucked it's game over. I also find it very interesting that the people who are getting this "rare side effect" are all healthy, young, active people... I think there could be a very strong correlation between physical activity and the intensity of "side effects".
I made a full recovery from myocarditis. I still eat greasy food, work out, and enjoy energy drinks. Yolo.
heart muscle never grows back
(post is archived)