The word 'vaccine' has since been 'updated' to mean 'something which may help, or maybe not'
Based on the new definition, I am fully vaccinated. I took some Vitamin C and Vitamin D.
Fuck Dan Andrews!
Soon to be updated again as:
"Vaccine: A substance that the ancients (See: Whypeepoe) used to make that they believed would provide active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. Also see: "Haitian Vodou" and "Beaded Rattles (shaking thereof)" which are now recognized as all being equally valid methods of preventing and treating infectious diseases. (Which, as we all know now, are all Whypeepoes fault anyway).
Fundamentally i feel like the chicken pox suggests that the idea of a vaccine should be possible. Unless there is no such thing as viruses at all and we are fundamentally misled about how illness works. But barring that, which is a difficult thing to suggest because it involves like A LOT of people lying outright, i do think the idea of a vaccine may well be possible. Not sure if one has ever truly been made however.
There is such a thing. Before cowpox was discovered to prevent smallpox, the less virulent strain of smallpox was inoculated to prevent the more virulent strain. Inoculation is actually an ancient practice. The word "vaccine" is based on the latin word for the cowpox virus. "Vacca" being latin for "cow". So a vaccine, as first conceived, is novel because it confers immunity without actually being a strain of the disease it prevents.
(post is archived)