Hi, you must have traveled here from early 2020. Other questions that never got answered:
What happened to "Two weeks to flatten the curve"? Why did all the kids activities close when they don't spread covid, and places like liquor stores remain open? Why 6 feet of distance? Can't aerosols travel farther?
I guess it's just the "science" and I'm a troglodyte that needs to go to college.
Liquor stores were deemed essential because alcohol withdrawal can be deadly, supposedly.
Try asking about this some NPCs, you will be amazed at their ability to repress any logic.But be cautious, it may be so outrageous that you will have PTSD from their stupidity.
I learned a long time ago not to argue with anyone that has taken the "blue pill." The Matrix was spot on about them. They aren't ready yet, and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they'll fight you to protect it.
Ironically the creators are ultra liberal and hate the fact that the term ‘red pill’ was co-opted by the right
(post is archived)