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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

(post is archived)

[–] 52 pts

Yes, and those three videos of the (alleged) Chinese doctor who was in a panic because there was an outbreak of a new virus at the hospital where he worked, a virus that had a three-week incubation period. A person would have no symptoms, then after three weeks they would suddenly develop difficulty breathing and drop dead where they stood. Because of those vids, I have a case of N95 masks and a few pairs of face-sealing goggles sitting over in the corner, unused.

That was the pandemic I was looking for, and when it never materialized, I knew I had been suckered.

[+] [deleted] 25 pts
[–] 7 pts

that shit will come in handy for the next one they release. The one that actually kills.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts (edited )

Kills everyone who took the death jab because its unwise to release an actually deadly biological agent that isnt targeting a specific marker in the population because there isnt a way to keep it from killing you as well.

[–] 8 pts

The mass depopulation theory doesn't make any sense to me, if it only targeted the vaxed then it would only target people who complied, and we know that they're lying about vax numbers, so that means you kill the 30% or so of the population compliant enough to get the vax and leave the people who are resistant to the propaganda alive...

I think the "vax will kill 600 gorillion people! omg!" stuff is just an attempt to redirect "omg corona is going to 600 gorllion people, omg get your vax and booster shot every 3 months!".

If you want my theory it's just a flex by the judeo-elite, to show that they can get people to take an experimental "treatment" for a non-existent pandemic, the vax will probably kill 5% max over the next two years, more likely under 2%.

IMO Killing everyone isn't the endgoal, exerting control is.

With corona restrictions they've set the precedent to be able to shut down ANYTHING they want, they don't need to be consistent. political rally or protest? Sorry it's a super-spreader event. BLM riot? nope, zero chance of any disease there! if people die from the vax then they're just collateral damage, having everyone take a shot, that they need to refresh every 6, 3, or even 1 month for the rest of their lives? Now that's control, before even getting into all the extra drugs people will need to treat side effects. They get money and power from this.

Acute toxicity, or poisoning is the only way “bio-weapons” work. There is no such thing as a live virus.

[–] 6 pts

I also got suckered... probably did a good job of discrediting us to people we talked to and mentioned our concerns.

[–] 7 pts (edited )

I spoke to a handful of loved ones about it around January or February 2020. I told them I was very concerned about it, and in six months if it turned out to be nothing, I would eat crow. Last fall, I called and apologized to each of them.

However, it does make sense that insane billionaires would want to "guidestone" us. And Gates has said that we could "do a really good job on healthcare and vaccines to lower the population 10 or 15%".

So was the Covid a dropped pass? Not at all, you can tell by the filthy lying media owners screaming we must get the shot. The fake Covid scare was to get people to put something in their bodies they wouldn't normally agree to put there. Whether or not the vaccinated are actually causing a real Covid outbreak, or they've just taken personal poison, remains to be seen.

[–] 1 pt

I mean, even without anything else. The birthrate in western countries went down even further and the increased burden, tax, emotional, etc, from this whole thing is enough to to cause conditions that will discourage fertility rates even more.

And yeah, I sounded like a borderline paranoid schizophrenic pre-existing western covid. Nobody has said I had any sort of point of wanting to be cautious about this and potential ramifications.

I onky got called racist for not trusting President Pooh and the Reds.

[–] 5 pts

Sliver-lining is all the red pills this plandemic has served up.

Those who currently don’t know are willfully ignorant.

[–] 4 pts

I bought 4 extra sets of filters for my families P100 masks... never used them this past year with the exception of when I did some HPLV painting on some furniture.

The pandemic as we knew it never happened...

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I'm sure the virus existed around November to March of 19/20 as most flu seasons occur.

But after that it was politicized not only to steal an election but to institute tyranny across the world.

[–] [deleted] 14 pts

A psyop from the very beginning. From the land that it was released from with the help of the USA.

[–] 2 pts

Psyop or not, whatever the fuck flu I just suffered through was absolutely fucking brutal. Seriously, it fucked me up but good. If the clot shot could have saved me the misery, I honestly would have taken it. Not now though, naturally immunity.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Careful, I heard they might be adding shit to this years flu shot so it's like a combo flu sars 2 vaxxine all in one. Don't get shot, get healthy, get active, drs are all like dr feelgood, no cure just yall keep coming back for refills please.

[–] 0 pt

I agree with you. There were people who actually got sick and it was not a normal bad flu.

I got some sort of weird mild burning lung disease with a small fever that lasted a few days but I had been super vitamin packing with D zinc and others for months. I ran into another guy who had the same symptoms and was hospitalized.

The burning lung symptom was the identifier.

I still need to get an antibody test because I do think I got it.

[–] 8 pts

All fake, all setup. Absolutely.

[–] 8 pts

the fact that anyone believes anything that comes out of china proves the brainwashing complete.

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

the fact that anyone believes anything that comes out of china governments proves the brainwashing complete.


[–] 4 pts

the fact that anyone believes anything that comes out of china governments with a rothschild owned central bank proves the brainwashing complete.


Despite your detractors, I agree with everything you post and appreciate how well you express these things.

[–] 1 pt

you are correct but i was talking about the title of the post. but yes you are correct.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

A lot of people were fooled by those (sadly, myself included). Most thinking people finally realized the scam, but sadly, many sheep are still out there (shilling for the vaxxxx).

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Yeah I believed the reverse slam dunk there, because it made sense to me that China would try to hide those videos and that’s how it was spun to me. That it might’ve been real and Chyna was trying to hide it. Since I mistrust China, I fell for it for a hot minute there.

[–] 1 pt

Blood type is the answer here.

because like the old say for those sheep "had the wool pulled over their eyes". :)

[–] 3 pts

I never took the time to see these videos because most of the slit-eye doom porn like "the dams break", "the economy crashes", "the CCP fails its people", and "the revolution will start tomorrow" are propaganda made in HK or Taiwan. Could anybody verify that these videos were actually made in China?

[–] 2 pts

I based it on the Chinese characters in the corner, as well as the utter lack of give-a-shit from surrounding civilians (because let's face it, the Chinese probably hate themselves more than they hate us).

[–] 3 pts

I remember the fear porn that people would make on Voat that had similar videos

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yup. A bunch of retards wanted to act like it was the upcoming plague.

[–] 2 pts

retarded boomers took the bait hook, line, and sinker.


retarded conservatives will reeee about Chinese communists all day long while ignoring that their country is literally occupied by a jewish globalist regime.

[–] 1 pt

a jewish globalist regime.

In other words the same communists.

[–] 1 pt

I was one of those retards for a brief minute

[–] 3 pts

This woman did an AMAZING job covering the whole thing at the time.


She's pretty much the source David Icke stole from when he started exposing the bs by basically repeating everything she exposed.

That is focused on the 5G side of things, not the fake deaths published by China. I think you will lose 70% of those you could educate by playing the 5G card regardless of whether it is true or not.

[–] 1 pt

The chinks trolled us good.

[–] 0 pt

I sure as hell fell for it at first, but I'm emotionally-imbalanced to begin with...

[–] 1 pt

I member them getting forcefully rounded up and loaded into trucks and some residents being sealed in their apts.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yes. But China controls all media. No pics or vids make it to the west unless the want it done.

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