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Meanwhile, ppl on Poal would be getting the vaccine and as a big own to the libs.

Meanwhile, ppl on Poal would be getting the vaccine and as a big own to the libs.

(post is archived)

[–] -2 pt

Tell that to the Qtard fanboy golem you refuse to silence.

[–] 15 pts

you refuse to silence.

lol No offence but you sound like a faggit libtard.

[–] -2 pt

They had no problem banning me from their sub, yet they are allowed to spew their poison freely here. You spelled faggot wrong.

[–] 5 pts

You spelled faggot wrong.

I didn't.

faggit = reddit faggot

[–] 2 pts

Well if you don't like what they say, you're free to block their subs.

If you believe that free speech means silencing people you don't like or disagree with, you're in the wrong place.

[–] 2 pts

Figures a faggot like yourself would know how to spell faggot, why do dumbasses always resort to correcting grammar when they get their ass kicked?

You are clearly a faggit and crying about a Qtard sub ban then wailing about it is severe faggotry. N P C

[–] 3 pts

Yeah umm "refuse to silence". High level kike thinking detected. Oy vey. Shut it down goyim. Oy vey!!!

[–] 3 pts

If you want censorship you can. Go to Reddit faggot

Can I see your dick?

[–] 0 pt

One of these days. Remind me later I got stuff I got to do

[–] 2 pts

Well unfortunately and as we learn who the closet swamp rats that surrounded President Trump were. He was mislead on the covid injection. I am willing to bet he was given a saline one though. As far as the fake fans pushing the shot in the name of Trump here on POAL. I consider them part of the glowie ssquad.

[–] 0 pt

RFK Jr said he met with him about vaccine skepticism right after he was elected. He had 3 women in the office who had had kids with bad reactions. Then he got a $1 million dollar campaign contribution from Pfizer and never called him back.

[–] 1 pt

You realize the only rule here is, to not doxx people, right? So shut the fuck up, and take your beef curtains back to reddit. Fucking Joo.

[–] 1 pt

I never see Q shit on here. You lie

[–] 1 pt

Of course he lied, he is a filthy jew