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[–] 21 pts

Ahh yes the people in positions of power in Australia sure look Chinese (pic8.co)

[–] 13 pts (edited )

You do understand my question isn't exclusionary and says nothing about the puppet masters?

Edit: in fact, I'd argue your comment only bolsters my conjecture.

[–] 8 pts

kikes and chinks go hand in hand

[–] 7 pts

communism is jewish (dryburgh.com)

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

As if Chinks and Kikes aren't working together.

[–] 9 pts

The hook nosed jew is found down under. Every White founded country is infested with them. It's like cockroaches. They're everywhere when they're supposed to only be:

a) eradicated but that failed so...

b) in Israel

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I remember running into a Brooklyn jew years ago at Sydney Airport.

I asked him what he was doing so far away from the bagel shop. He stopped talking to me.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

China owns vast amounts of Australian assets. Australia is a target since it has everything China needs; resources and food. If China controls Taiwan also (advanced manufacturing) it will probably become the sole global superpower. Really stupid to think absolutely everything is about the jews.

[–] 3 pts

Wow that’s ugly. It looks like the bad person in the books my Parents read to me as a kid. Like a witch

[–] 3 pts

There’s a reason the bad guys were drawn like that

[–] 3 pts

What a conker!

[–] 9 pts

Do you Aussies understand your government is priming your country for what appears to be a Chinese invasion?

The case could be made that the junta currently in control of the US is doing the same.

[–] 4 pts

I would welcome the Chinks if they'd put all the Niggers in Reform Through Labor camps , and no niggers ever left the camps

[–] 0 pt

Biden & Co is doing exactly that .

There's no way they'd make the protected species work

[–] 9 pts (edited )

something is up. not sure if that's the end game or not Just know everyone world wide is being manipulated .. by large amounts of cash Cities, labor unions, goverments, hospitals, school systems are all getting large payouts to comply with mandates.

[–] 5 pts

Yep the international Jewish commie bankers I J C B need am American civil war more white on white genocide or they need ww3 maybe even both.

Australia is fucked up and those pussies are doing nothing

There wouldn't be a civil war, just some politicians passed through the fire to their god moloch.

Orientals gonna need to attack if they want WWIII. But God says they lose badly and honkies end up taking back over again in the end.

[–] 0 pt

why dont you think your skin will be your uniform in civ war 2.0?

[–] 0 pt

God. Will be very very important.

Hypothetically if a meteor hit and wiped our power grid and technology away for decades we would very quickly understand prison rules and skin color would absolutely be a marker of what army or tribe you belonged to the liberal progressive retards would find out real quick in a might makes right world they will either have to get smart and realistic real quick or they will be slaves to the retarded and ruthless gangs formed by blacks and Latinos. The conservative Latinos will probably get smart and make alliances with whites and agree to stop all the race mixing and work as allies against the truly retarded apes

[–] 3 pts

Chinese already took Oz over.

[–] 0 pt

This. They own maybe 1/4 of the real estate already going by my street.

[–] 3 pts

No Chink invasion is necessary if the US and other white nations have their influence greatly reduced. China will be the defacto hegemon.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 2 pts

I suspect it will happen this way.

The people will soon reach the boiling point. There will be a violent uprising.

The UN will be called in to quell dissent---they will send Chinese troops.

[–] 2 pts

Exactly the same for the US. Communists already hold the two major deep water ports in the US; NY and California.

They've been front loadng military aged men into all of these countries.

Under the banner of civil emergency, health, and safety, a UN/WHO peace keeping group will land.

[–] 2 pts

And they've already got us splintered in so many ways. left vs right, white vs black, poor vs rich, citizens vs illegals, maskers vs anti-maskers, straights vs fags, White Christianity vs the world...

[–] 2 pts

Yep. Tried to share this on voat many years ago and here and was told I'm wearing tin foil. Some listened. Most didn't.

Of course I've been describing today almost two decades ago. Everyone said I read crazy then too.

Thankfully more people are seeing the huge neon light and it's becoming harder to deny the obvious.

[–] 0 pt

There's no such thing as white Christianity. Most Christians are African.

[–] 1 pt

Got ban from wunderground.com comment section when I asked about the chinese ports in the bahamas after a hurricane. I just wanted to know if they were ok but it was pretty much instaban.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

Australia is the globalists colony.

I sure as hell have thought that. I also thought a smart person would be in western australia dug in and off grid and armed in some way so they can just wait it out till the scamdemic is shown to be a mass murder scheme.

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