Why do you think they call it the great reset. Except the end goal is the removal of 90 percent of the population
They want to remove the bottom, I want to remove the top.
It seems we are at an impasse, either they win, or we do, there is no third way.
No, they want the middle removed. They've got full control of the people at the bottom.
We go after both at the same time, then.
This isn't true at all. The middle are so much easier to influence. The useless eaters can contribute exactly nothing and pretty soon automation will completely antiquate slave labor, meaning all the bottom rung proles have no place in organized society.
Most accurate comment I’ve ever seen on poal
Excellently said
Sort of like that, I mean you don't want the survivors from the bottom tuning your car, or maintaining your boat or plane.
Dumb but placid and trainable for food production, and intelligent and placid for maintenance and security would be the plan if I was at the top. Hold a sword over your chattels heads via family to ensure they don't poison your food and it is easy living from after the great reset. Now that I think about it more, there is no need for the left side of the bell curve, any survivors will do whatever you tell them for access to potable water, food and medicine.
The people at the top are too insulated. We likely don't even know the names/whereabouts of the real power holders.
The black pope. And no we'll never get to it. Best we can do is make their minions think twice about who they serve.
100% this but we have some clues as to their last name.
Rothchild or redshirt Goldberg Stein Schlomo<<< first name Greenberg
Berg and steins with big noses
We don't need to, if we get rid of the puppets they are using to enact their plans, they will be powerless to control or harm us.
While we’re at it we need to eliminate cats as well
Not cats per se, but fur babies.
Oh look the MORON is spouting off again
No man, why you hate cats?
Use the cats like the mongols. Flaming rags on their tails. And I fucking love cats
You realize when you get rid of the top there is just a new top right? Who do you consider the top
Anyone above... ME IS THE TOP!
1 we will replace the guys we hate with the guys we like
2 that question has already been answered
So we have the goal, remove the top of social class that is degrading the social order and healthy part of of society.
How can we remove these people? The law? Unlikely. They own it. For the sake of argument and theoretical conversation, let's say, viloence. Let's violently remove these people. How many people do we need to remove? I'd guess somewhere between 100,000 and a million. One person can't kill that many. So, we need a lot of people.
Here's where we get to the real tough part. How can we get a million people to kill an opposing other million people and not have the end result being the 3rd portion of America, the 320ish-million portion, not believe that the violent 1mil killed the upper class 1mil for no reason.
And here is THE part of this plan that we've got to figure out. We have to give all Americans the best reason ever that we NEED to kill 1 million upper/ruling class americans.
How can we find THE reason to remove 1 million people and show we're justified in doing so.
99% of laws are redundant or trample individual rights.
Well, they want to remove everyone in the middle, that includes a lot of what you may consider as the "top." After that there will be those who own the state and run it, and live in luxury and absolute libertine freedom, and then everyone else equally dependant on the state, equally miserable. The careers that were "middle class" will become "lower class" in a sense, as there will just be two classes, the super wealthy and the 'equal' chattel.
YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.
It's called a "great earthquake" in Rev. 16.
Vial 7
"90% of the WHITE population". Fixed it.
90% of the total population, which includes 100% of the White population.
Unfortunately while you are correct. There is a lot of other mongrels that would still be a burden. 4 Billion africans cant get in the way.
(post is archived)