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China has copper mines and oil extraction going on there. They have recently been training some of the Afghan military (who are defecting to the Taliban). They have been building the fiber optic network there. And most importantly Afghanistan is necessary to their belt and road initiative; the Sino-Afgan railway is just the beginning.

China has copper mines and oil extraction going on there. They have recently been training some of the Afghan military (who are defecting to the Taliban). They have been building the fiber optic network there. And most importantly Afghanistan is necessary to their belt and road initiative; the Sino-Afgan railway is just the beginning.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Precisely- there are so many comparisons between our latest two desert wars and Vietnam: the enemy's uniform is civilian clothing. We wear the uniform of an organized military and are forced to conduct ourselves like fucking saints or risk being thrown into the bring forever.

I think the My Lai massacre was partially justified. The civilians are put into a hard spot- threatened into silence by the VC. But they still have the choice of whether or not they could inform the US troops that "You're about to walk into an ambush over there, VC came here last night and threatened us, planted mines here and there, and now they're waiting for you just beyond the treeline." When they withhold that information... aren't they partially responsible for any casualties inflicted in said ambush?

This is what was on the mind of most infantrymen in 'Nam that spent a lot of time in the field/bush. Never know who to trust, you do know that the locals distrust you simply because you're a foreign soldier invading their lands.

During invasions, there must be a certain degree of brutality enacted on the locals if they show any sign of hostility or resistance. This is the nature of war. Otherwise, you have children of villages running off to inform resistance fighters of the invader's movements, disposition, etc..

[–] 1 pt

Otherwise, you have children of villages running off to inform resistance fighters of the invader's movements, disposition, etc..

And children are used because they know we won't shoot them, but we will give them chocolates and such as well as show them around in an effort to win the "hearts and minds"...because that works when?

[–] 3 pts

Those kids grew up over the last 20 years. Now they're carrying US military weaponry and fighting for the fucking Taliban because we tried to set up a Clown Government for them. We tried to force the gay (literally and figuratively) kike agenda onto them and they resoundingly declared "Not in our fucking country, durkha durka".

Yea I think the first sign should have been the troops turning on the trainers and shooting them. But no he was just a incorrigible the rest will assimilate. 🙄