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[–] 8 pts

A bit controversial for some of you mad lads but I think the virus might not be a hoax to get the "vax" to fuck everyone up I believe BOTH may be engineered to cause long term issues and have mostly weak initial symptoms.

[–] 6 pts


This virus was certainly engineered. It's traits are transmissible and resilient and also not dangerous for young and fit people.

But don't assume that it's the only virus they have to release

[–] 3 pts

not dangerous for young and fit people.

Almost like pensions and Social Security are about to go bankrupt and they need to get rid of pensioners and Social Security recipients.

[–] 1 pt

Not to mention conservative, gun owning voters.

[–] 0 pt

Oh without a doubt elderly and life long plant eaters were the target

[–] 6 pts (edited )

I personally think their endgame is similar to what has happened with Marek's disease in chickens. Get a vaccine that doesn't provide immunity, still allows transmission of the disease - and while it incubates in vaccinated individuals it is making it more deadly for the unvaccinated. The "Delta" variant cropped up at the same time that the vaccines came about. We haven't seen that increased lethality in the wild virus, but if it's anything like what happens with Marek's disease it's a plausibility later on down the track. The vaccine itself has its own host of issues too - so in the endgame it's either 1. get fucked by the vaccines, or 2. get fucked by the disease itself. It'd be a great way to depopulate according to the elite clowns. Leaky vaccines are precisely why you don't use a mass vaccination program to get rid of an endemic disease.

[–] 2 pts

That'd be stupid, considering the people releasing this stuff aren't going anywhere near the so called vaccine themselves. They're not gonna risk releasing something that could kill THEM too.

[–] 1 pt

You'd be surprised. They aren't the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree.

[–] 4 pts

I think the virus doesn't exist at all. They're not retarded despite being drunk on power. They know the risk to them in creating a virus that spreads easily. Turns out it's actually hard to make a virus like what they described with bodies on the streets everywhere. Why risk giving people some through a virus which you have minimal control over. When you can get people to willingly take the same payload in an injection.

That being said, I have no doubt there are other "toxins/pathogens/bacteria" in the general sense, which they have and do use to create real cases of people getting very sick and present flu like symptoms. Hell maybe they do have a custom coronavirus strain but it's piss poor at spreading so they have to introduce it in small batches around the planet to create hot spots of an "outbreak".

To clarify, there could be some lab strain floating around, but it's not a large scale threat. And either way it means they are seeding this thing around the planet somehow. Because of this the "virus" is not what we should be looking at. The vaccines are what they want, the vaccines have the payload.

[–] 2 pts

When you look at the CDC numbers it's clear.....COVID Deaths = Pneumonia + Influenza + COPD deaths.

So don't get any of those and you won't have COVID.

kinda like an algebraic expression x= a + b + c

You know shifty jewy shit

[–] 0 pt

What I find troubling is that the white race sucks the Jew cock. Or people would not be having any of these problems with their myopia. If you cannot say fuck the Jew you are worthless trash

[–] 0 pt

It's true increased lethality comes at the cost of significantly decreased transmission. Look at ebola. Deadly as fuck but you have to be gross and retarded to catch it.

[–] 1 pt

Ok then why has nobody posted the RNA of the virus? It should have been out and downloadable exactly like the spike protein months ago? Very likely this is because the Covid-19 is nornal seasonal flu with a new name and the RNA would prove that Covid-19 is a hoax.

[–] 1 pt

Apparently the HIV virus also hasn't been isolated. This makes me think the whole idea of isolating a virus is a misnomer and dead end

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Both vax’s? There are mrna vaxes and typical flu shot ones for covid. Which ones are you talking about?