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Are u kidding me thousands of grand parents where murdered by our goverment and the fucking covid1984 hoax

Are u kidding me thousands of grand parents where murdered by our goverment and the fucking covid1984 hoax

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Class action lawsuits ? You do understand that the "law" is about following precedent (which flows downhill from the SCOTUS)

They murdered grandma and you'll sit there and take it. Because, you've been programmed to be weak, submissive, and compliant. Now get your ass back to the 50 hour week grind making cogs so you can stay in the lower middle class bracket and cheer on celebrity culture , goy !

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 0 pt

It's almost as if... there is nothing to investigate because there was never an increase in the amount of people that passed from the usual.

Plenty more, of all ages, will die from vaccines, targeted bio weapons for certain races and race wars. They don’t care about the elderly one bit.

[–] 0 pt

In nz despite 3000 cases the only ppl that died were from a single incident in a retirement home right at the beginning of the fear caused stampede from liberty.

It's clear to me that those eldely were assasinated

[–] 0 pt

Well,...let's see ...fucking killer cuomo and polis are exempt. Why,????? they're marxist/dictators aka as serial killers who donate to the "progressives". Ding, ding, ding,...they get a pass.
Next question?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

The masks and swabs were laced with graphene oxide, that was the primary means of "transmission".

The "symptoms" of "Covid" overlap very well with graphene oxide poisoning down to lost of taste/smell and blood clots. That's why magnets are sticking to people's arms, GE has magnetic properties.

You get "Covid" by wearing chinese masks, taking the tests and now by getting the shots. The shots being the most potent method, that's what they desperately want to get into your body. Then they'll turn on the 5g and fry you like a bug.

Obviously, the tests are just random crap. Their primary function is to inflate cases and to deliver toxic metals to your nasal cavity.

They won't allow investigations because people will then be able to put the pieces above together.

[–] 0 pt

Nursing homes are sewers of infection. The joke going around when they closed off visitors to the nursing homes was that they were really doing it to protect the visitors. You have dozens of sick old people living in close quarters with undertrained, underpaid, and overworked staff.

Yes, it's perfectly normal for young, healthy people to catch deadly colds from oldsters.

If it was a joke, it was a tale told by an idiot (probably a nurse) in between tik tok videos. lol

[–] 0 pt

>Young, healthy people

People in nursing homes are old, generally speaking. The people who come to visit them are frequently their children, so an 80 year old has their 60 year old children coming to visit. Not exactly young.

Still not a thing, never was. Sorry.

[–] 0 pt

If you want to do something about this, head over to /s/ActivismGroup . Make a post about this and we can get something going

[–] 0 pt

Just a friendly reminder, they tried to not even let me get to see my grandpa's body the day he died. If you think you will have a space when you are old where you are cared for by white people think again, you better start today actually raising and having an active hand in your family around you so when the day comes they can at least pray over your body when you are dead and even better be the ones caring for you. I only got to see him because I had to be a raging cunt to all parties involved, politeness and kindness got me nothing

[–] -1 pt

I think it's all fake, every last bit of it. There are no class actions because no one has really died. They just said they did all to get people to take the vaccine.