Wife found some new show and said it was funny. I sat down to check it out with her and in about five minutes asked what was up with the ‘jiggly cam’ bullshit. Once I pointed that out she agreed it was weird. Every single scene was shot with that contrived ‘hand-held-cam’ jiggling technique. Was super annoying.
Then about another five minutes in the gay couple made an appearance and we super faggy. I said ‘fuck this no way’ and walked.
Wife got annoyed with me and told me it was still funny. I told her it was contrived degenerate crap designed to warp her mind and normalize fucked up people. She got more annoyed.
Days later she agreed with me and stopped watching it.
The show? modern family.
Literally had an identical experience with gf. Modern Family.
The show? modern family.
Family used to watch that when I was younger and it first came out.
I knew even back then how bad that show was going to get.
Those two fucking faggots.
(The daughters are hot though, one had to get a breast reduction)
(post is archived)