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I'm talking people absolutely flipping their shit over you driving only 10mph over the speed limit crazy, ready to run you off the road like it's the Autobahn.

I'm talking people absolutely flipping their shit over you driving only 10mph over the speed limit crazy, ready to run you off the road like it's the Autobahn.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

.... and that's how the Jew shows his colors.

fuck whitey? that's some real kike shit right there. die in a fire, Jew.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Also why did you capitalize the word jew? Your obviously not using a phone because the beginning of your sentences are not capitalized, so you intentionally capitalized the J. Seems Mr. Noseberg subconsciously reverences the jew.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I am using a phone. feel free to see my history where I bitch about captchas not working correctly on phones, etc, etc .

[–] 0 pt 3y

Your just mad on the freeway cause your partner is getting piped by some other guy, I get it. There's just no need to drive like an asshole. I mean if you slowed down, they wouldn't have to rush their deed, and she could clean up better before giving you that kiss when you get home.