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[–] 18 pts

We did a long term job years ago for a swat FBI agent. I got along with him really well and had some great conversations with him. He confided in me that he wasn’t racist until he started that job. He spent 20 years apprehending Mexicans and blacks and said that now he had a problem being in a room if there were more Mexicans or ghetto blacks then he had rounds in his magazine. Being around either group caused him to go into work mode; Constant repetitious threat assessment. Who am I going to shoot first if shit goes sideways?

Currently friends with one of the local cops. Same story with him.

[–] [deleted] 13 pts

My cousin quit Las Vegas sheriff's because of this. He is a small guy and said one of these fuckers is going to kill me someday.

[–] 8 pts

Same thing for a kid that I knew from school. Nicest guy but years later, after becoming a cop, he became based as fuck. Massively nigger-pilled and racially aware.

[–] 12 pts (edited )

I have mixed feelings about cops, on one hand they’re aware of how bad spics and nigs are. On the other hand they’re the ones enforcing all the faggot laws and are essentially the enforcement arm of the faggot system.

If they label you a racist bigot domestic terrorist, the cops are the ones that’ll arrest you.

[–] 5 pts

On the other hand they’re the ones enforcing all the faggot laws and are essentially the enforcement arm of the faggot system.

Yeah, they are the enemy. If the boogaloo ever goes down some people think that cops will be on their side. Fuck no. Cops will keep their jobs as gang-members, it would just be slightly more obvious.

If the gun grabbers ever got their way, 99.5% of cops wouldn't give 2 shits about the constitution. The only thing that would stop them is enough people to fight back.

[–] 2 pts

I agree with you daddy. Alot of them are based. But they serve jewish lawyers and cant be relied on. I don’t think its reasonable to declare them all the enemy as @lurkedforever has.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Exactly the reason retired police move to red states like Idaho.

[–] 4 pts

>Being around either group caused him to go into work mode; Constant repetitious threat assessment.

Stressful, but that's what you have to do. Around blacks never relax.

[–] 3 pts

he had a problem being in a room if there were more Mexicans or ghetto blacks then he had rounds in his magazine.

Based mindset.

[–] 3 pts

One day he was on the shop floor when (white dude) walks across the floor sing songing "I'm a nigger, I'm a nigger, I'm a nigger." Other shop employee, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Response; "I'm just seeing how it feels."

he really opened up when he saw that. good fucking times.

[–] 1 pt

wasn’t racist until he started that job.

I wasn't racist until they forced me to defend myself based on Identity Politics and had to research facts. Then I became racist because I found out the truth.

[–] 1 pt

Ayup. It's a bit sad to know just how much more I know about their own ideology than they do, and just how little is left of our own. They have hundreds of millions of minds bent toward advancing their own theories, with government support to the tune of billions a year, and we have the leftover dusty books of yesteryear. The ones that have survive historical cleansing that is.

Something similar happened to a cousin of mine, except it was teaching at inner city schools.

[–] 0 pt

One of the biggest cucks I know has ONLY taught black students. This guy and I were robbed TWICE together by niggers in the 90s. Now he teaches black kids and still doesnt see the field.

[–] 5 pts

The human brain is the greatest biological pattern recognition tool that we know of. Our ability to recognize complex patterns is the most significant difference between us and all other animals. If you are not racist then theres something wrong with you.

[–] 0 pt

Recognizing a face is a magical talent. I once recognized someone in times square, who I hadn't seen in years, from diagonally behind him. I saw the curve of his nose and back of his head. Instantly called out his name and it was him.

[–] 1 pt

We are incredible. Meanwhile we are now being taught to ignore the patterns we can so clearly see.

[–] 1 pt

The disturbing part is how effective it is. It's like the emperors new cloths but the people don't perceive him as naked.

[–] 0 pt

I had something similar while on a walk. I saw a chick walking about 200-300 feet away and something in my brain said "I know this person." Sure enough I did lol. I think the real magic happens in the subconscious realm. It is free from ideological constraints of the conscious mind and sees what actually is.

[–] 4 pts

The inverse of titties?

Updoot just for working titties into a post, good sir!

[–] 3 pts

Mind control is very powerful.

[–] 3 pts

stop using your brain!

cops bad!! nigger good!!!!

[–] 3 pts

Defund police. Critical race theory. Black reparations. BLM.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The faster the average American realizes this, the faster will can get to purging them from this country. Anything less is a failing bandaid.

[–] 0 pt
  • posts skeleton meme of "I'm just going to wait right here, surely Americans will realize the truth soon."
[–] 3 pts

Because the sheep have been told by our government that it is Whites that are the most dangerous and the biggest threat to our country. And they nod in agreement as they put on their masks.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

My dad is a cop. He always taught us daughters which neighborhoods to avoid due to their high crime rates. He said some of the people who live there think the world owes them, so they take. He never believed the color of the skin had anything to do with outcome or behavior. He believed the difference was circumstances, education, upbringing, and opportunity.

If you believe skin color does determine outcome, then you seem to agree with the critical race theory. I personally believe in helping to create opportunity for all, but never dictating outcome. Everyone is responsible for their own outcomes. After all, the threat of negative outcomes (like starving, going to prison, not having shelter, etc) is what motivates all people to educate themselves, work hard, and respect others. It is no different for people of color than it is for whites.

I would like to see nonprofits assisting low-income neighborhoods to develop after-school programs (with food, tutoring, sports, and job training). They could make it self-propetuating, where the beneficiaries of the program successfully graduate, get jobs, then volunteer for a couple years...or donate. The job training could include construction skills, too, where the apprentices help repair and upgrade houses in the neighborhood. Liability insurance would need to be donated for the job training part of the program.

Until these type of programs are implemented, though, I still avoid neighborhoods with high crime rates, cuz I know my chances are high of being harmed there...as proven by crime-rate statistics. But, I do not associate skin color with high crime rates.

Our real problem is no-go-zones. Every person within our borders should be required to follow our laws, regardless of their belief systems. We are really at risk around extremists whose ideology allows them to murder, rape, assault, and limit the rights of others.

[–] 3 pts

Dude we dumped money into Baltimore education and they still can't read. I'm not waiting a 100 years for these people to come around. This is about skin color

[–] 0 pt

I am pretty sure the Baltimore donations never made it to the neighborhoods. It was good that Trump helped expose the way the Baltimore leaders laundered the money. He took a hit on the nose for doing it, but like many of his controversial tweets, it drew attention to a corruption.

But, if the money had reached the Baltimore neighborhoods, and still nothing changed, then I would see your point.

[–] 1 pt

You're alright. Nice way of talking

[–] 2 pts (edited )

critical race theory is a red herring intentionally crafted for the purpose of making people ignore their instincts.

blacks are not subhumans because their skin is dark, their skin is dark because they are subhumans. they have visibly less brain volume, because evolution rarely favors intelligence in tropical regions where food is easy to obtain year round.

[–] 1 pt

If you believe skin color does determine outcome, then you seem to agree with the critical race theory.

No. Believing that blacks achieve less in a white majority society because there is structural white supremacy is not the same as recognizing that the genetic differences between races result in behavioral differences and not only in differences of physical appearance or disease susceptibility.

He believed the difference was circumstances, education, upbringing, and opportunity.

We have all been trained to believe this religiously, to accept this idea as truth and to ignore the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Different groups of humans have evolved different strategies for survival because they have lived in different environments for hundreds of thousands of years. Cold climate societies have evolved very risk averse strategies to survive long harsh winters with little available food. People who didn’t plan ahead died off in those places.

Heavy agriculture throughout much of eurasia over the last 8000 years brought about a whole new set of selection process for concepts like private property.

Hunter gatherers and people who have lived continuously in hot climates have behavioral traits that made sense for them over the millenia. These traits have a genetic basis. They tend to be higher levels of violence among males, higher levels of promiscuity, lower male parental investment, weaker concept of private property, and in general a more “opportunistic” strategy of survival. These traits made sense in their environments, which weren’t England.

It is hard especially for Christians to accept that some values are not universal. It is hard to accept that blacks do not have the free will to “act better” when they are given the same caring and nurturing as whites. But we as a society have given blacks more than there fair share of opportunities and we end up with the same result. They are still violent and reckless in their behavior compared to whites and the subsidies that whites continually give them is only incentivizing them to become more aggressive beggars. They need to be left alone to work out their own shit. No amount of christian charity or education will fix the difference that is biological in nature. The most violent and impulsive whites were culled from our population over 50, 000 years. That did not happen to them.

Here’s a really good essay by a guy who lived and taught in africa for several decades. It is not a mean-spirited article— it just discusses some cognitive differences that he noted over the years between blacks and whites

Morality and Abstract Thinking:


[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the thoughtful and informative reply.

[–] 1 pt

No problem. I hope you read that article.

100 percent. My best friends growing up were not white. Color of skin doesn't . San Jack shit - but genetics IS the hand that deals your the cards. Sooooooooooo


[–] 0 pt

Thanks. Yea. I raised adopted kids from 3 different sets of parents. Genetics sure determines a lot. The environment didn't seem to have as much influence as did genetics.

[–] 0 pt

Pattern recognition is one of the main things that separates us from dumber animals. The left wants us to purposefully become dumber because reality and probability is "racist".

[–] 0 pt

Why do you think they cancelled 'Live PD'? Live crimes were not able to be censored by MSM and 90% were BLACK criminals doing exactly what Liberals deny they are doing every day. The most memorable moment to me was the Black cop telling the Black criminal that he 'almost' shot him for being stupid.

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