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These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

These people have an antenna on their heads and will tune in to whatever frequency the MSM wants them to be on, so then they quite literally becoming walking drones of MSM without even realizing it.

You have no idea how close to the truth you are. The whole point behind this 'vaccine' (if you start digging) is to create a series of magnetic/iron bases 'antenna' out of the iron from your bloodstream. These 'antenna' (which penetrate the skull on a nano level) make you able to connect, or at least receive information/data from the 5G network. Why do you think these ugly ass bug-towers went up so quick. Look at the recent revelations that Ron Paul called out Dr. Fauci on, being attached to that research at UPenn regarding aborted baby skulls/head skin being used to connect to a wireless system, or similar concepts.

THAT'S what is really going on, at least in my view. The whole push for a 'internet of things'. Guess where the real zombie horde is going to come from. The 5G 'vaccinated' zombie-drones.

[–] 3 pts

It's strange the first thing I heard about EMR's was the Smart Meters, and as I looked into it I learned how those frequencies interact with the human body to disrupt its functions.

Soon after I started researching how certain frequencies could interface with humans. This is around 2017. And then when I saw the 5G rollout I somehow knew in my intuition it had something to do with the new digital currency system they wanted. I thought it would be an implantable chip. Then when 2020 rolled around I had a gut feeling it would lead to a vaccine that would implant a chip.

It's like intuition keeps becoming more and more reality.

[–] 0 pt

So you think the technology exists to give someone an injection and have that injection go into their brain and control their thoughts with 5G?

[–] 3 pts

They have been doing research on that very thing since at least the late 90's (when data specific studies first began to be publish on that topic. Not so much as controlling your thoughts in the way you probably think but to disrupt/ delay/ and retard the natural thought process's via the amount of magnetic electric interference one is subjected too t and revert to being an automaton able to only function the most basic of tasks, ie 'worker drones'. ) and with advances in technology etc that will have only continued.

[–] 2 pts

it's not a matter of "thinking" it exists...it has existed for 25+ years, albeit not in a form that was ready to use on humans, 27 years ago they were testing this on egg samples in the lab with successful results.

The nano particles are small enough to pass the blood brain barrier and interface directly with your neural network

Your neural network is nothing but a transmitter of electrical impulses

Liquid crystaline structures are also in the vaccine, therefore, hit the "liquid crystal" with a soundwave or radio frequency, they in turn transmit that into electrical impulse, and the nanobots direct it according to the instructions they are given, thereby inducing the pre determined response

Shit's gotten real...real quick friend.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

you've been spending too much time on the internet in your mom's basement

[–] 0 pt

What is more frustrating? The vax lemmings or the 5G nanobot people? Smdh