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These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

The obedience of Christians to their leaders isn't exclusive. There are many instances in the Bible where believers have refused orders of kings and magistrates due to the conflict of their obedience to God's commands. I suggest and excellent book called 'Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos' by Junius Brutus. It sums up a Christians' duty of obedience to established leaders and God and where they conflict each other according to the Word of God.