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These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

These same fucking idiots can do so much good if they used this stubborn ass MINDSET on our side of the fight. It's a damn shame. This whole PLANdemic is a fucking shame. Fuck the elites. Fuck the gov. Why are we so powerless, why can't we make a god damn DENT and make a REAL difference. IS this the true nature of this world?

(post is archived)

[–] 23 pts (edited )

The psychological operations are very advanced and most people are fully brainwashed at this point. Watch the yuri bezmenov video for an explanation.

Edit: part of the CIA misinformation campaigns is organizations like the John Berkes society, the council for national policy, the esalen institute. Here is the great late Matthew north https://www.bitchute.com/video/v6bF1ZP3ozV5/

[–] 7 pts

Idealogical subversion and demoralization.


[–] 0 pt

Does anyone have more resources on this topic of ideological subversion? Books, studies, interviews, presentations?

[–] -1 pt

Actually your wrong.... we are the ones who are demoralised. Not them. They spread information (black pills) to these sites like Hunter Biden pedo photos and Israel influence and other red pills to destabilize your country. They have had so much success as the Trump supporters literally broke into the Capitol because of this. Trump supporters get fed information purely to destabilize your country. Same with BLM bullshit, they get retards to burn down their own neighbourhood over nothing, but for some reason it's the media doing that one and not a foreign agency.

[–] 2 pts

No it's infowars, blazetv, rebel media, Steven Crowder, Joe rogan. Those are examples of controlled opposition. People that push for trump and deny the things you were just denying.

[–] 0 pt

That's all the same thing except the breaking into the Capitol. Trump supporters are mostly hardworking educated people like the majority of Americans. That was a stupid protest and a psyop and videos have come out of Capitol police there letting them into the building.

[–] 5 pts

It's the combination of being hit from all sides... the chemicals in the food, water, and air which shut down critical thinking and fog the kind, turning on and off certain genes with the GMO food, and the subliminals in the computer monitors and news and primitive TV feeds, and the complete control of all institutions resulting in indoctrination and demoralizing. Throw in the fact that we have to slave away on the hamster wheel for 8-10 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week to even begin to make enough worthless devalued fiat currency to try to make a living, and there's no room left for any critical thought.

[–] 8 pts

Fourth turning. We're in hard times. Focus on personal growth and we will get through this. I recommend reading Marcus Aurelius and the philosophy of stoicism to keep grounded while the world gets crazier.

Most people keep it simple and follow the group. We climb a more difficult route. It won't be easy but it will be worthwhile.

[–] 2 pts

Turn off electronics and seek a physical activity that provides clarity and discipline in mind, body, and spirit. I have recently turned to martial arts in hopes of finding and solidifying a good foundation for all to aspects to build on. Having a growth mindset with sort of an "aura" of positivity is key to your sanity and survival in a world drowning in toxic negativity and mediocrity. Finally and most importantly, establishing emotional and mental boundaries with those people and external forces in your daily life will not only also preserve your sanity, but give you a sense of self-respect that others in turn will respect as well. If they don't, then it's easier to spot who or what can be removed from your life.

[–] 2 pts

The Meditations of Aurelius and the Enchiridion of Epictitus.

[–] 1 pt

Related links to help others:

Stoic Six Pack - Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca https://1lib.us/book/3312807/896cb1

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Epictetus - Golden Sayings of Epictetus Epictetus - Fragments of Epictetus Epictetus - The Discourses of Epictetus Epictetus - The Enchiridion Lucius Annaeus Seneca - Letters From A Stoic

A couple as standalone:

Seneca - Letters From a Stoic https://b-ok.cc/s/Seneca%20-%20Letters%20From%20a%20Stoic

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations - https://b-ok.cc/s/Marcus%20Aurelius%20Meditations - https://archive.org/details/texts?and[]=Marcus+Aurelius+Meditations&sin=&and[]=lending___status%3A%22is_readable%22 - https://archive.org/details/books?and%5B%5D=Marcus+Aurelius+Meditations&sin=&and%5B%5D=lending___status%3A%22is_readable%22

[–] 0 pt

Man... Now I'm trying to think of an excellent Marcus Aurelius quote I wrote down, but that notebook is in storage

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Because they don't have a relationship with Thor and Odin the Father?

Asking for a Norwegian friend.

[–] 9 pts

Old Norse beliefs make a lot more fucking sense than the so-called Christian nonsense being peddled by a lot of churches today.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

What? You don't trust stories written by Jews? Oh the horror!

[–] 1 pt

Damn straight. Why would I believe nonsense which comes from filthy, scheming lying shitheads who are trying to destroy who I am and what I stand for?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I'm actually curious what this is. Do you have a link or somewhere to point me to? I feel like none of the religions make a whole lot of sense. I get this feeling that there is a higher power but none the religions do a good job of convincing.

[–] 1 pt

Look up Asatru - it's the modern version of the Old Norse belief system.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Several of my personal friends are openly Asatru types. They are all good people creating more white children.

[–] 3 pts

Yeah, three of my friends are practising Asatruar, and they are the same. All three of them are incredibly redpilled and jewpilled. I'm a pragmatic agnostic myself (in short: I'll believe it when I see it beyond any doubt) but if I had to choose any belief system it'd probably be Asatru, partly because my husband's roots are Norse as well.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah turns out judeochristianity wasn't the religion of Constantine, Vlad Dragulya, or any other significant leader.

[–] 5 pts

It's called cognitive dissonance!

These people will defend the lies with their lives because the truth terrifies them so much.

They are so cowardly that they will sacrifice everything and everyone rather than face the horrific truth of what we are up against.

[–] 7 pts

Every single idiot around me is vaxxed - its unbelievable. And even though their CDC overlords told them that vaccinated people are safe even around unvaccinated people, they still want to paint me as the bad guy. Since when did being normal make you the bad guy? These people have an antenna on their heads and will tune in to whatever frequency the MSM wants them to be on, so then they quite literally becoming walking drones of MSM without even realizing it. Free thought, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, all goes out the window with these people.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

These people have an antenna on their heads and will tune in to whatever frequency the MSM wants them to be on, so then they quite literally becoming walking drones of MSM without even realizing it.

You have no idea how close to the truth you are. The whole point behind this 'vaccine' (if you start digging) is to create a series of magnetic/iron bases 'antenna' out of the iron from your bloodstream. These 'antenna' (which penetrate the skull on a nano level) make you able to connect, or at least receive information/data from the 5G network. Why do you think these ugly ass bug-towers went up so quick. Look at the recent revelations that Ron Paul called out Dr. Fauci on, being attached to that research at UPenn regarding aborted baby skulls/head skin being used to connect to a wireless system, or similar concepts.

THAT'S what is really going on, at least in my view. The whole push for a 'internet of things'. Guess where the real zombie horde is going to come from. The 5G 'vaccinated' zombie-drones.

[–] 3 pts

It's strange the first thing I heard about EMR's was the Smart Meters, and as I looked into it I learned how those frequencies interact with the human body to disrupt its functions.

Soon after I started researching how certain frequencies could interface with humans. This is around 2017. And then when I saw the 5G rollout I somehow knew in my intuition it had something to do with the new digital currency system they wanted. I thought it would be an implantable chip. Then when 2020 rolled around I had a gut feeling it would lead to a vaccine that would implant a chip.

It's like intuition keeps becoming more and more reality.

[–] 0 pt

So you think the technology exists to give someone an injection and have that injection go into their brain and control their thoughts with 5G?

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

you've been spending too much time on the internet in your mom's basement

[–] 3 pts

On the topic of the CDC, do you and/or anyone have a good resource that lays out the lies, deception, flip-flopping, ect of the CDC during this scamdemic and in the past? It would be helpful to have a list of specific examples to point people to. So many around me follow what the CDC says as God without any critical thought.

[–] 1 pt

President Trump told us to go get our shots, I'm getting my shots

I do what celebrity apprentices tell me to do! Shut up I do what I want!

[–] 0 pt

Good goy. Wouldn't want to make the overlords mad.

I saw this yesterday at a hospital but I guess to their defense I think the work place is starting to push the get jabbed or no job jewery. Most of the guys I saw getting it looked about 45 to 50. So I'm guessing they are in a position in life where they have no option but to accept the poison. They definitely didn't look happy.

[–] 1 pt

This is why people need to work on being financially bulletproof so that one can say "Go fuck yourself" if they try to push that horseshit.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

People defend the lies because they have to. To admit you’ve structured your life around a lie is hard; the more that lie has affected your life, the more you’ve had to give up because of the lie, the more you need it to be true.

[–] 4 pts

Psychologists call that equity rescuing!

The longer a person has invested in a lie the harder it is for them to admit they waisted their lives on it.

[–] 0 pt

Especially among those who don't really have anything to fall back on - which is an increasing number of people these days. If you have no personality beneath spouting whatever crap you've heard from the media, the more you're going to cling to that stuff to have some semblance of a personality.

[–] 4 pts

Because they don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Most of the local protestant and Baptist church near me are vaxxed, and its probably all of them, since the leaders of those churches are promoting the vaccine.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Most of the big-box churches sold out long ago. Sad but true.

[–] 2 pts

Those who are vaccinated make it plainly evident that they have more faith in man than they do their Creator. Some have been coerced into vaccinations through fear of losing their job, as well as, an unbearable amount of peer pressure.

[–] 1 pt

When you think about it, a church's teaching is merely going to be an interpretation of the Bible. How is that any different from the media who routinely peddles biased opinions at best, and outright lies at worst?

Christianity is the product of the believers, not the bible, not the church, but how the believer perceives things, it is their minds that provides the filter lenses that shapes their beliefs, Christians make their own Christianity.

[–] 1 pt

The Bible says that government leaders were appointed by God and should be obeyed. They’re pretty much completely fucked.

[–] 1 pt

It goes a little deeper than that I think. Dont quote me but I think, "unless it goes against God" type of thing. Been awhile since ive studied. Im thinkin this goes against God. In first or second Timothy it says "study the word" sumthin sumthin.. kinda like snake handling churches dont realize "serpent" translates to "evil one" etc. Never "snake"

[–] 3 pts

I was referencing Romans 13:1, but whatever it says it does seem to run contrary to the teachings of Jesus. It’s almost as though the content of the Bible has been tampered with over the centuries...

[–] 1 pt

The obedience of Christians to their leaders isn't exclusive. There are many instances in the Bible where believers have refused orders of kings and magistrates due to the conflict of their obedience to God's commands. I suggest and excellent book called 'Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos' by Junius Brutus. It sums up a Christians' duty of obedience to established leaders and God and where they conflict each other according to the Word of God.

[–] 0 pt

Which passage? I'm interested

[–] 0 pt

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Romans 13:1, NIV

[–] 0 pt

Lol have you even glanced at the Bible? It's filled with people who rebelled. You're taking one verse out of context to paint an entire book, religion and culture. Fuck off, faggot.

[–] 0 pt

Evangelical Christians still recite and obey that Bible verse, dumbshit.

[–] 3 pts

Because, sadly, the elites are right. There really are 7 billion useless eaters on this planet. Ever wonder why literally everyone around you comes off as a complete fucking retard? Because they are. Look at an IQ bell curve, and feel the sheer biomass of stupidity. 100 is supposed to be average, but average is all but meaningless in this context. There is a threshold below which a person cannot make the logical connections necessary to even get by in the world today. I'd put it around 130. If you have an IQ under 130 you have been condemned. Or rather, circumstances have been set up such that you will condemn yourself by your ignorance. I'm not saying I'm some 170 IQ ubermensch. I probably just made the cut. But still, a lot of people are going to die, and to be honest, I've kind of come to terms with it.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts (edited )

I'm nowhere near 130 IQ and it didn't take me all that much life experience to understand what's happening. It's not a question of IQ, it's just the herd mentality common to 90% of people.

There's some very educated, academically successful people ranging in the 115-130 range taking the jab and taking a knee and bashing the fash and swallowing every goddamn pile of horseshit CNN has been feeding them for the past 50 years, they still belong to the cattle subclass of humanity. Meanwhile you have 90 IQ white trash Cletus who dropped out of high school but is completely in tune with his basic instincts telling him not to trust the media or the government or filthy jews, Cletus is an enlightened free thinker in a way PhD midwit city-dweller #47875 with all his degrees and intellectual accolades never will be.

[–] 1 pt

I call it "book smarts" vs. "street smarts" vs. "the educated".

"The educated" these days are the majority of fuckwit leftists - that is, they peddle the narratives of leftist ideology as their "education". They aren't intelligent in the strictest sense nor do they have the ability to think critically.

Contrast that with people who are "book smart" - they are well read and able to think critically as a result. This is where the true intelligence lies.

"Street smarts" are sort of halfway in between - their intelligence comes from being able to survive in society, most of these people are wise to the horseshit that is peddled by leftists as well.

Cletus has a genetic memory of the class war that goes back 10s of generations.

It's called common sense, and few people have it anymore.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

It's called an inner monologue, you'll be surprised how few people ever had it in human history.

The elites are not fundamentally wrong when they brand the masses as cattle, always been that way. What you call common sense is simply what we used to teach the cattle back when we wanted them to somewhat resemble human beings.

[–] 2 pts

Go for a walk in the woods. Read Julius Evola “ride the tiger,” and work on yourself. I know it’s frustrating, but you can only control what is immediately around you.

If you feel so inclined, run for a local political position.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Between 30-40% of the people cannot be saved. Most of those are too propagandized to understand what you're saying. Some of them are defenders of the system. The good news: you can easily tell who is a waste of time. I recommend focusing your efforts on those who can be salvaged.

[–] 1 pt

It is all on the treasonous Lying Press. The sheep believe everything the press says and 98% is thought out Political Lying.

[–] 1 pt

frog in pot of water slowly heating up

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